Whether you’ve been thinking of baby names long before you were pregnant or are just starting your search with a few weeks left before your baby’s due date, picking a name can be stressful. We all know there are millions, if not billions, of names to pick from, and searching through the internet can sometimes overwhelm you and your partner. Our best advice is to start small! Choose a letter you love or a trend you gravitate toward and look at lists incorporating that — like this list of boy names that start with Q!
Baby Boy Names That Start With Q
If you’re looking for a unique baby name, you may have found yourself looking at this list. When thinking of names that start with Q, you may come up empty, but there are actually many options to choose from! We hope you can add some of these to your list. Fall in love with the letter Q, and check out the names below:
10 Popular Boy Names That Start With Q
These are the most popular Q names for boys! (Though you may not recognize them because they’re popular in several countries outside the United States.)
1. Qadir — An Arabic name meaning “capable” or “powerful.”
2. Qamar — Arabic for “moon.”
3. Qing — Chinese for “green.”
4. Quan — This name means “fragrant” in Comanche.
5. Quentin — Latin for “fifth.”
6. Quill — An English name meaning “scribe.”
7. Quincy — This French name means “estate of the fifth son.”
8. Quinlan — Irish for “descendant of Caoinlean” or “slender.”
9. Quinn — This name means “descendant of Conn” or “chief leader.”
10. Quinton — English for “queen’s manor” and Latin for “fifth.”
12 Common Boy Names That Start With Q
Here are some of the most common boy names starting with Q. Take a look to see if any of these feel like a match for your baby boy.
1. Qabalah — Hebrew for “reception” or “tradition.”
2. Qasim — An Arabic name meaning “charitable” or “generous.”
3. Quang — Vietnamese for “pure” and “bright.”
4. Quarry — This is an English name for a deep pit where stone is extracted.
5. Quasar — English for “meteorite.”
6. Quasimodo — Latin for “like just-born infants do.”
7. Quell — This is a German name for someone who lives near a spring.
8. Quest — This name means “seek” or “mission” in Latin.
9. Quinby — This Norse name means “queen’s settlement.”
10. Quinsy — French for “estate of the fifth son.”
11. Quinto — Spanish for “fifth.”
12. Quixote — A Spanish literary name for an impractical idealist.
68 Unique Boy Names That Start With Q
You could argue that all the Q boy names on our list are unique! But if you want something really different, the list below is perfect for you!
1. Qabel — This Arabic name means “son of Adam.”
2. Qabid — An Arabic name meaning “to grasp.”
3. Qabil — Arabic for “acceptor.”
4. Qadan — This name means “cliff” in Mongolian.
5. Qadry — An Arabic name meaning “capable” or “powerful.”
6. Qaki — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
7. Qalid — This Arabic name means “immortal” or “everlasting.”
8. Qamaro — A unique variation of “Qamar,” which means “moon” in Arabic.
9. Qamra — Arabic for “moon.”
10. Qamrun — This name means “calm like the moon” in Arabic.
11. Qanito — Arabic for “obey” or “devoted.”
12. Qarah — In Hebrew, this name means “success.”
13. Qarib — An Arabic name meaning “close” or “near.”
14. Qarin — This name means “one who is impatient like the sea” in Arabic.
15. Qaseem — This name means “distributor” or “gracious” in Urdu.
16. Qasif — Arabic for “discover.”
17. Qatin — This name means “servant” in Urdu.
18. Qayim — An Arabic name meaning “upholder.”
19. Qaysar — This is the Arabic version of the Latin name “Caesar,” meaning “emperor.”
20. Qazi — A Persian name meaning “judge.”
21. Qi — Chinese for “fine jade.”
22. Qin — This name means “diligent” in Chinese.
23. Qindeel — Arabic for “candle.”
24. Qirin — Inspired by a creature in Chinese mythology, this name is said to bring good fortune. The exact meaning is unknown.
25. Qisaf — This name means “student of Hadith” in Urdu.
26. Qiu — A Chinese name meaning “hill” or “autumn.”
27. Quade — Latin for “son of Uaid.”
28. Quadir — This name means “capable” and “powerful” in Arabic.
29. Quaid — This Latin name means” son of Uaid.”
30. Quamayne — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
31. Quanah — A Native American name meaning “fragrant.”
32. Quant — Middle English for “skilled” or “clever.”
33. Quantum — A Latin name meaning “amount.”
34. Quartz — This is a crystalline mineral whose name comes from a German word meaning “hard.”
35. Quasean — An Arabic name meaning “hardworking.”
36. Quastavo — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
37. Quayshaun — French for “wharf” and Irish for “God is gracious.”
38. Qudrat — An Arabic name meaning “strength” or “might.”
39. Quebec — This name means “narrow passage” in Algonquin.
40. Qued — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
41. Quennel — French for “dweller at the little oak tree.”
42. Quent — In Latin, this name means “fifth.”
43. Quentrell — French for “fifth.”
44. Querid — Spanish for “beloved.”
45. Questir — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
46. Quetzalcoatl — This name means “feathered snake” in Nahuatl.
47. Quickley — Old English for “lively.”
48. Quies — Latin for “tranquility.”
49. Quigley — An Irish name meaning “from the mother’s side.”
50. Quilliam — This Irish name means “son of William.”
51. Quillox — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
52. Quim — This name means “established by God” in Portuguese.
53. Quimby — English for “queen’s settlement.”
54. Quince — This name means “applelike fruit” in Latin.
55. Quinnell — An Irish name meaning “counsel.”
56. Quintavius — Latin for “fifth child.”
57. Quintessae — This name also means “fifth” in Latin.
58. Quintilian — Latin for “fifth.”
59. Quirino — A Latin name meaning “spearman” or “warrior.”
60. Quisoto — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
61. Quora — Greek for “maiden.”
62. Qurashim — This name means “love” in Arabic.
63. Qurram — An Arabic name meaning “one who is happy.”
64. Qusta — This name is of Arabic origin, but its meaning is unknown.
65. Qutaiba — Hindi for “impatient.”
66. Quy — A Vietnamese name meaning “precious” or “valuable.”
67. Quyen — This name means “power” or “right” in Chinese and Vietnamese.
68. Qwame — Akan for “born on Saturday.”
111 Rare Boy Names That Start With Q
There are so many hidden gems in this category. Consider one of these if you’re looking for an extra special Q boy name.
1. Qaadir — This name means “powerful” and “capable” in Arabic.
2. Qaan’i — Arabic for “satisfied.”
3. Qaazi — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
4. Qabiyl — This name means “able” in Arabic.
5. Qabiz — An Arabic name meaning “one of 90 men.”
6. Qabool — Arabic for “accepted.”
7. Qaddam — This name means “leader” in Urdu.
8. Qahhar — An Arabic name meaning “the conqueror.”
9. Qaimaq — This name can mean either “bestower” or “cream” in Arabic.
10. Qais — This Arabic name means “lover.”
11. Qaksh — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
12. Qalandar — This name means “free man,” but the language of origin is unknown.
13. Qaletaqa — A Native American name meaning “guardian of the people” in Hopi.
14. Qandi — Arabic for “crystallized sugar.”
15. Qaniah — This Arabic name means “contented.”
16. Qaniel — Hebrew for “God is my judge.”
17. Qaraja — An Arabic name meaning “living under the power of Allah.”
18. Qareeb — This name means “one who is near God” in Arabic.
19. Qarju — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
20. Qarpi — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.
21. Qatadah — Arabic for “hardwood tree.”
22. Qawee — An Arabic name meaning “strong.”
23. Qawiyy — This name also means “strong” in Arabic.
24. Qays — This name means “passionate” in Arabic.
25. Qazzafi — Arabic for “wide” or “spacious.”
26. Qeb — An Egyptian name meaning “father of the earth.”
27. Qemal — Albanian for “integrity.”
28. Qhama — An African meaning “blossom.”
29. Qhawe — This name means “hero” in Xhosa.
30. Qianfan — This Chinese name means “a thousand sails.”
31. Qiao — Chinese for “handsome.”
32. Qindil — This Arabic name means “oil lamp.”
33. Qinglong — A Chinese name meaning “azure dragon.”
34. Qingshan — This name means “celebrating goodness” in Chinese.
35. Qiqiang — In Chinese, this name means “enlightenment.”
36. Qismah — Arabic for “fate.”
37. Qismat — This name is also Arabic for “fate.”
38. Qissa — Arabic for “fable.”
39. Qoaka — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
40. Qoao — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.
41. Qochata — In Hopi, this name means “white man.”
42. Qosset — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.
43. Qssim — Arabic for “generous.”
44. Quaashie — This Ghanaian name means “born on Sunday.”
45. Quacey — A Scottish name meaning “of the moonlight.”
46. Quaddus — Arabic for “most holy.”
47. Quakeff — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
48. Qualando — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.
49. Quamar — Arabic for “moon.”
50. Quamosh — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.
51. Quana — This name means “aromatic” in Comanche.
52. Quangish — The meaning and origin are unknown.
53. Quantaek — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
54. Quartus — Hebrew for “fourth.”
55. Quashee — Ghanaian for “born on a Sunday.”
56. Quauhtli — This Aztec name means “eagle.”
57. Quavon — An African name meaning “warrior.”
58. Quawanica — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
59. Qubul — Arabic for “accepting concurrence.”
60. Qudos — This Persian name means “very holy.”
61. Queeja — The meaning and origin are unknown.
62. Queendalo — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.
63. Quelatikan — A Native American name meaning “blue horn.”
64. Quentonaro — The origin and meaning are unknown.
65. Quentonish — The origin and meaning of this name are also unknown.
66. Quercus — Latin for “oak tree.”
67. Querida — Spanish for “dear” or “beloved.”
68. Querub — A Spanish name with an unknown meaning.
69. Quesnel — In French, this name means “little oak.”
70. Queto — This is an alternate spelling for “Cueto,” a fortified hill settlement. The language of origin is unknown.
71. Queturah — Arabic for “incense.”
72. Quiazii — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
73. Quico — Spanish for “beloved friend.”
74. Quiger — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
75. Quigleyoto — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.
76. Qui-Gon — Chinese for “ghost.”
77. Quillan — An Irish name meaning “cub.”
78. Quiller — English for “scribe.”
79. Quilo — This name means “Trojan war hero” or “north wind” in Greek.
80. Quinceypo — The origin and meaning are unknown.
81. Quinctilius — Latin for “fifth.”
82. Quindon — This English name means “queen’s manor.”
83. Quinnop — The meaning and origin are unknown.
84. Quint — An English name for “fifth.”
85. Quintessenz — English for “fifth essence.”
86. Quintiliani — An Italian name with an unknown meaning.
87. Quintus — Latin for “fifth.”
88. Quintusino — This name means “fifth born” in Latin.
89. Quinvin — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.
90. Quique — Spanish for “ruler of the home.”
91. Quirijn — This Dutch name means “spear.”
92. Quirinal — An Italian name for a royal place in Rome.
93. Quirinus — This name means “spear” in Latin.
94. Quirt — It’s said that this means “quart” in Spanish.
95. Qunnoune — This name means “tall,” but its language of origin is unknown.
96. Quomby — The origin and meaning are unknown.
97. Quoitrel — This name means “equalizer,” but the origin is unknown.
98. Quon — A Chinese name meaning “bright.”
99. Qurban — This Arabic name means “sacrifice” or “martyr.”
100. Qurratul — In Hindi, this name means “darling.”
101. Qusay — Arabic for “distant.”
102. Qush — This name means “sacred grass,” but the language is unknown.
103. Qutb — This Arabic name means “axis.”
104. Qutub — This name also means “axis” in Arabic.
105. Quynh — A Vietnamese name meaning “night blooming flower.”
106. Qutuz — This name means “vicious beast” in Hindi.
107. Quzam — Urdu for “violent and quick.”
108. Qwanah — This name means “sweet-smelling” in Comanche.
109. Qwianmaine — The meaning and origin are unknown.
110. Qwin — Welsh for “fair.”
111. Qyle — A Gaelic name meaning “narrow channel.”
Sometimes, it’s a fun idea to throw in a name that starts with a letter that might be less traditional than others. Any of the boy names that start with a Q are sure to stand out and come off as one very unique name. And who doesn’t love to stand out in a crowd? Happy baby naming!
Check out our other baby name lists if you’re still on the baby name hunt. Try trendy boy names, cool boy names, rare boy names, and boy names that start with U, or explore all baby names. Have fun choosing a beautiful name you love for your baby boy!