210 Baby Girl Names That Start With X - Baby Chick
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210 Baby Girl Names That Start With X

If you're looking for a name for your baby girl, explore this list of unique, popular, common, rare, and cute names that start with X.

Updated December 8, 2024

by Kristen Winiarski

Additional contribution by Stefanie Miller


Choosing the right name for your child is one of the most challenging things about being a parent. You may debate it with your partner, and there are so many options out there that you want to make just the right choice. You may be worried about your daughter having the same name as others in her class. Choosing a unique name may be the right fit for you! If you’re searching for girl names that are sure to be unique, consider those girl names that start with X!

Baby Girl Names That Start With X

From cute as a button to rare gems, these baby girl names starting with X are fit for any little girl:

X girl names are generally unique, but here are the most popular ones today. Some of my favorites here are “Xin” and “Xochitl.”

1. Xandra — Spanish for “man’s defender.”

2. Xanthe — This name means “golden” or “yellow” in Greek.

3. Xavia — Basque for “new house” and Arabic for “bright.”

4. Xena — A Greek name meaning “guest.”

5. Xia — In Chinese, this name means “hospitable” or “welcoming.”

6. Ximena — This name means “son” in Spanish.

7. Xin — Chinese for “beautiful” or “elegant.”

8. Xiomara — This name means “famous in battle” in Spanish and Portuguese.

9. Xochitl — Nahuatl for “flower.”

10. Xyla — A Greek name meaning “wood dweller.”

10 Common Girl Names That Start With X

X may not be a very common letter, but many parents love these girl names starting with X. You may even recognize some of them!

1. Xareni — This is the name of the goddess of love in the Otomi region of Mexico. It’s of Native American origin.

2. Xaria — This name means “blooming flower” in Arabic.

3. Xaviera — Basque for “new house.”

4. Xela — A Galician name meaning “angel.”

5. Xenia — Greek for “hospitable” or “welcoming.”

6. Xiana — This Galician name means “youthful.”

7. Xiola — In Greek, this name means “life.”

8. Xochi — Nahuatl for “flower.”

9. Xoe — This name means “life” in Greek.

10. Xya — This is an invented name. Its origin and meaning are unknown.

15 Cute Girl Names That Start With X

All these adorable X girl names would make a great choice for any little one. If you’re looking for a name to match your cute daughter, I recommend taking a look here.

1. Xabelle — Hebrew for “pledged to God.”

2. Xada — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

3. Xamira — A Persian name meaning “diamond” or “precious.”

4. Xana — This is the name of a fairy or a nymph in Asturian mythology.

5. Xanthia — Greek for “golden” or “yellow.”

6. Xavianna — This name means “bright” in Arabic or “new house” in Basque.

7. Xee — A Chinese name with an unknown meaning.

8. Xehi — The meaning and origin are unknown.

9. Xiao — Chinese for “dawn” or “young.”

10. Xinia — This name means “guest” in Greek.

11. Xolani — Zulu for “peace.”

12. Xulia — A Galician name meaning “youthful.”

13. Xuri — In Chinese, this name means “beautiful.”

14. Xylia — This name means “of the forest” in Greek.

15. Xylie — This name is also Greek for “of the forest.”

70 Unique Girl Names That Start With X

If you’re looking for something uncommon and unique to name your baby girl, this list of girl names that start with X will be a great start!

1. Xade — This name has an unknown origin but means “creative.”

2. Xaela — A Greek name meaning “from the sea.”

3. Xahara — This name means “to shine” in Hebrew and “flower” in Swahili.

4. Xahleah — The origin and meaning are unknown.

5. Xaia — Greek for “savior” and Hebrew for “peaceful.”

6. Xaira — This is an Arabic name, but its meaning is unknown.

7. Xalayah — This name has an unknown origin and meaning.

8. Xalma — Arabic for “peace.”

9. Xamara — A Hebrew name meaning “guardian.”

10. Xan — Greek for “defending men.”

11. Xanadu — A Chinese place name that’s a metaphor for a luxurious fantasy.

12. Xandy — This name means “defending men” in Greek.

13. Xandrea — This name is also Greek for “defending men.”

14. Xandriana — English for “defender of mankind.”

15. Xanthene — An English word for a yellow chemical compound that produces fluorescent dyes.

16. Xarissa — This is an American-invented name whose meaning is unknown.

17. Xassie — Greek for “shining over man.”

18. Xava — This name means “to live” in Russian.

19. Xavannah — In Spanish, this name means “grassy plain.”

20. Xavienna — Basque for “new house.”

21. Xaybriana — The meaning and origin are unknown.

22. Xaylee — Gaelic for “slim and fair.”

23. Xeenesha — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

24. Xega — This is another name for a Native American chiefdom (Jaega) that resided in Florida in the 17th century.

25. Xeily — An English name with an unknown meaning.

26. Xenissa — Greek for “the astonishing one.”

27. Xenobia — This name means “of Zeus” in Greek.

28. Xenti — This is a Romanian name, but its meaning is unknown.

29. Xeona — The meaning and origin are unknown.

30. Xeraphina — Hebrew for “fiery ones.”

31. Xeresa — This is the name of a city in Spain, but its meaning is unknown.

32. Xessenia — This name means “palm tree” in Spanish or “flower” in Arabic.

33. Xevera — Portuguese for “stern.”

34. Xhana — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

35. Xhloe — A Greek name meaning “blooming” or “green shoot.”

36. Xhonda — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

37. Xhosa — This is the name of a South African language. It also means “sweet.”

38. Xi — Chinese for “happiness.”

39. Xiah — An American-invented name whose meaning is unknown.

40. Xian — This name has several meanings in Chinese, including “current” and “completely.”

41. Xiannah — This Galician name means “youthful.”

42. Xienna — Italian for “orange-red.”

43. Ximone — In French, this name means “hearkening.”

44. Xinda — This is a Chinese name, but its exact meaning is unknown.

45. Xinyl — The meaning and origin of “Xinyl” are unknown.

46. Xiomare — A Spanish name meaning “ready for battle.”

47. Xion — This name means “I won’t forget you” in Japanese.

48. Xironia — Greek for “sharp as a razor.”

49. Xitalia — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

50. Xiwang — A Chinese name meaning “hope.”

51. Xiyan — Chinese for “bright” and “beautiful.”

52. Xoana — A Galician name meaning “God is gracious.”

53. Xois — This is the ancient name for the city of Sakha in Egypt.

54. Xophia — Greek for “wisdom.”

55. Xora — The origin and meaning are unknown.

56. Xristina — This name means “follower of Christ” in Latin.

57. Xu — A Chinese name meaning “to allow.”

58. Xuan — This name means “spring” or “born in the spring” in Vietnamese.

59. Xue — Chinese for “snow.”

60. Xufa — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

61. Xulu — This is a common last name in Africa. It’s of Zulu origin, but its meaning is unknown.

62. Xun — This name means “snow” in Chinese.

63. Xureila — Spanish for “my rock is God.”

64. Xuriah — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

65. Xyliana — A Greek name meaning “from the woods.”

66. Xylo — Greek for “wood.”

67. Xylona — This name means “wood-dweller” in Greek.

68. Xynthia — This name was given to a violent windstorm that occurred in Europe in early 2010. Its origin and meaning are unknown.

69. Xyra — Arabic for “gift of love.”

70. Xyza — A Gothic name that means “by the sea.”

105 Rare Girl Names That Start With X

This list of rare X names for girls includes many creative ideas and spellings of more well-known names. It’s a great category if you want something totally different!

1. Xadis — The meaning and origin of “Xadis” are unknown.

2. Xael — This name means “from the sea” in Greek.

3. Xaelyn — An English name whose meaning is unknown.

4. Xahria — This Australian name means “flower” in English.

5. Xaida — Arabic for “precious” or “prosperous.”

6. Xaily — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

7. Xailynn — The origin and meaning of this name are also unknown.

8. Xalayna — The meaning and origin of “Xalayna” are unknown.

9. Xalbadara — Spanish for “savior.”

10. Xalvadora — Latin for “savior.”

11. Xalwo — A Somali name meaning “sweet.”

12. Xamora — In Hebrew, this name means “praised.”

13. Xander — Greek for “defending men.”

14. Xandria — This name also means “defending men” in Greek.

15. Xanfi — The origin and meaning of “Xanfi” are unknown.

16. Xannon — An American name that means “ancient god.”

17. Xantara — This American name means “protector of the earth.”

18. Xante — In Greek, this name means “fair-haired.”

19. Xanthippe — Greek for “yellow horse.”

20. Xanthis — A Thespian princess in Greek mythology.

21. Xanthoula — This name means “little yellow one” in Greek.

22. Xanthyus — This name means “yellow” or “gold” in Greek.

23. Xaquelina — A Galician name meaning “supplanter.”

24. Xarai — Hebrew for “princess.”

25. Xaraqael — This is a rare spelling of “Saraqael,” which means “beloved by God” in Hebrew.

26. Xariah — Arabic for “gift of god.”

27. Xarieliz — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

28. Xautycha — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.

29. Xavaney — “Xavaney” has an unknown origin and meaning.

30. Xavier — Basque for “new house.”

31. Xayah — An Arabic name meaning “honest.”

32. Xayida — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

33. Xaykeria — The origin and meaning of this name are also unknown.

34. Xcaret — A Mayan name meaning “small inlet.”

35. Xeenia — Greek for “hospitable” or “welcoming.”

36. Xeilila — The meaning and origin of “Xeilila” are unknown.

37. Xelanah — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.

38. Xelat — Kurdish for “reward.”

39. Xenaida — This name means “the life of Zeus” in Greek.

40. Xendra — Greek for “man’s defender.”

41. Xengai — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

42. Xenghen — The origin and meaning of this name are also unknown.

43. Xeniah — Greek for “guest.”

44. Xenisse — This name has an unknown origin and meaning.

45. Xennelle — A Latin name meaning “God is gracious.”

46. Xenodice — The Greek mythological princess of Crete, a city in Greece.

47. Xenophon — Greek for “foreign voice.”

48. Xerovia — The meaning and origin of “Xerovia” are unknown.

49. Xesta — Greek for “highly polished.”

50. Xexilia — A Basque name meaning “blind.”

51. Xhaiden — This is an invented American name that means “cleansing beam of light.”

52. Xhanell — This name means “pipe” in French.

53. Xhelile — Albanian for “illustrious.”

54. Xhesika — An Albanian name meaning “to behold.”

55. Xhivani — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

56. Xhiyn — The origin and meaning of this name are also unknown.

57. Xhuliana — This Galician name means “youthful.”

58. Xiadani — Zapotec for “the flower that arrived.”

59. Xiamora — A Spanish name meaning “ready for battle.”

60. Xian Chen — This name means “admire” and “morning” in Chinese.

61. Xiang — Chinese for “good luck” or “fragrant.”

62. Xianni — The meaning and origin of “Xianni” are unknown.

63. Xiao Hong — In Chinese, this name means “morning rainbow.”

64. Xiclaly — Nahuatl for “star” or “flower.”

65. Xidorn — An American invented name meaning “truth seeker.”

66. Xiloxoch — This name means “calliandra flower” in Nahuatl.

67. Ximenia — Spanish for “hearkening.”

68. Xinavane — This name means “spread” or “propagate” in Tsonga.

69. Xin Chuan — Chinese for “beautiful river.”

70. Xin Qian — A Chinese name meaning “happy and beautiful.”

71. Xing Xing — Chinese for “twin stars.”

72. Xinyi — In Chinese, this name means “delighted” or “soul.”

73. Xinyue — A Chinese name meaning “heart” and “treasure.”

74. Xipil — Nahuatl for “noble one” or “of fire.”

75. Xippi — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

76. Xitlalic — This name means “star” in Nahuatl.

77. Xitlally — This name also means “star” in Nahuatl.

78. Xitllali — Another rare Aztec name that’s Nahuatl for “star.”

79. Xiu — Chinese for “beautiful” or “elegant.”

80. Xiuhcoatl — Nahuatl for “turquoise serpent.”

81. Xiu Juan — A Chinese name meaning “elegant” and “graceful.”

82. Xiu Ying — This name means “elegant” and “flower” in Chinese.

83. Xixchi — The meaning and origin of this name are unknown.

84. Xoai — Vietnamese for “mango.”

85. Xoco — Nahuatl for “youngest sister.”

86. Xochilt — A rare spelling for “Xochitl,” which means “flower” in Nahuatl.

87. Xochiquetzal — This is a goddess of beauty in vegetation in Aztec mythology. Her name means “precious feather flower.”

88. Xoese — In Ghanaian, this name means “believe.”

89. Xorka — A Hungarian name meaning “dawn.”

90. Xosha — Khoisan for “fierce” or “angry.”

91. Xubiksha — The origin and meaning of this name are unknown.

92. Xuhan — The origin and meaning of this name are also unknown.

93. Xumba — The meaning and origin of “Xumba” are unknown.

94. Xunaina — In Sanskrit, this name means “beautiful eyes.”

95. Xurphy — A rare spelling of the Gaelic name “Murphy,” which means “sea warrior.”

96. Xuxa — Portuguese for “lily.”

97. Xyion — The origin and meaning of “Xyion” are unknown.

98. Xylophila — Greek for “lover of nature.”

99. Xymena — This name means “son” in Spanish.

100. Xzefina — This name has an unknown meaning and origin.

101. Xzema — The origin and meaning of “Xzema” are unknown.

102. Xziksha — The meaning and origin of this name are also unknown.

103. Xzoria — This rare name has an unknown origin and meaning.

104. Xzukka — “Xzukka” means “dawn,” but its origin is unknown.

105. Xyz — This is a name created using the last three letters of the English alphabet.

If you have your heart set on baby girl names that start with X, one of the names above is sure to be a great fit. There are more choices than you realize for this letter! Have fun looking through these for just the right one.

Check out our other baby name lists if you’re still on the baby name hunt. Try beautiful girl namesflower names for girls, Disney princess names, short girl names, and rare girl names, or explore all baby names for inspiration. Good luck picking out the right one for your baby-to-be!

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Kristen N. Winiarski spends much of her days battling her kids' hangry moods with bacon and Cookie Monster impressions. She also encourages dance parties as P.E. whenever possible. Kristen started writing at just 10 years old and she loves to write about motherhood and classic movies. She also writes fiction.

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