One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is choosing your baby’s name! If you are expecting or adopting a child and looking for a Portuguese baby name, you’re in the right place! Many parents choose to honor their family heritage with their baby’s name. Do you or your partner have Portuguese roots? There are countless beautiful Portuguese names with equally beautiful meanings to choose from. Below we are sharing Portuguese girl names and Portuguese boy names.
Portuguese Names for Your Baby
Portuguese Girl Names
Do you love nature and the outdoors? You might consider Cloe, which means “little green sprout;” Estela, which means “star;” Iolanda, which means “violet flower;” Kiania, which means “the dawn;” Leonor, which means “sun ray;” Margarida, which means “pearl;” Mariana, which means “star of the sea;” Palmira, which means “palm tree;” Rosana, which means “star of magnificence;” Uiara, which means “the water lady;” or Veedonia, Vidonia, or Vidonya, which mean “vine branch.”
Maybe you want to choose a religious name for your daughter. You might like Belinha, which means “promise of God;” Camila, which means “helper to the priest;” Deolinda, which means “beautiful God;” Doroteia, which means “gift of God;” Elisabete, which means “promise of God;” Izabel, which means “God of plenty; God’s promise;” Joaninha, which means “God is gracious;” Judite, which means “from Judea; Jewish;” Miciela, which means “a blessed gift from God;” Nelinha, which means “God accompanies us;” Rafaela, which means “God has healed;” or Renata, which means “reborn.”
Want to give your daughter a strong name befitting a female warrior? You might consider Andreia, which means “daring;” Beatriz or Bia, which mean “voyager;” Brites, which means “power;” Ermenjart, which means “warrior who was extremely powerful;” Gertrudes, which means “the strongest spear;” Ilda, which means “heroine in battle;” or Mafalda, which means “mighty in battle.”
Want something a little more elegant for your little girl? Try Agueda, which means “good-hearted;” Belmira, which means “beautiful woman;” Benedita, which means “blessed;” Brigida, which means “exalted one;” Caterina, Catia, or Catrina, which means “pure;” Diana, which means “divine;” Enia, which means “jewel or fiery;” Filomena, which means “beloved;” Graca, which means “elegant and graceful woman;” Gylda, which means “value, sacrifice, knowing true;” Lara, which means “protection;” or Sofia, which means “wisdom.”
Popular Portuguese Girl Names
Here are a few of the most popular Portuguese girl names in alphabetical order:
1. Agueda
2. Aline
3. Andreia
4. Beatriz or Bea
5. Belinha
6. Belmira
7. Benedita
8. Bibiana
9. Branca
10. Brigida
11. Brites
12. Camila
13. Candelaria
14. Caterina, Catia, or Catrina
15. Cesaria
16. Cloe
17. Creola, Creole, Creolla, or Criolla
18. Deolinda
19. Diana
20. Doroteia
21. Dylla
22. Edite
23. Elisabete
24. Enia
25. Ermenjart
26. Estela
27. Evora
28. Felisberta
29. Filomena
30. Gertrudes
31. Gilma
32. Glaucia
33. Graca
34. Gylda
35. Ilda
36. Inez
37. Iolanda
38. Iria
39. Izabel
40. Joaninha
41. Judite
42. Julinha
43. Kiania
44. Lara
45. Lecia
46. Leonor
47. Lia
48. Luzia
49. Madalena
50. Mafalda
51. Margarida
52. Mariana
56. Mariazinha
57. Miciela
58. Nelinha
59. Neves
60. Nuria
61. Ofelia
62. Palmira
63. Rafaela
64. Renata
65. Rosana
66. Rui
67. Rute
68. Seda
69. Sofia
70. Telma
71. Teresinha
72. Tereza
73. Uiara
74. Veedonia, Vidonia, or Vidonya
Portuguese Boy Names for Boys
Do you love nature? You might like Adao, which means “earth;” Bernardo, which means “strong as a bear;” Dimas, which means “sunset;” Luciano, which means “light,” or Silverio, which means “woods.”
Maybe you want to choose a religious name for your son. You might like Angelino, which means “messenger of God;” Benedito or Bento, which mean “the blessed one;” Celio, which means “heaven;” Cristovao, which means “bearing Christ;” Cruz, which means “cross;” Danilo, which means “God is my judge;” Joao, which means “Jehovah has been gracious;” Josue, which means “Jehovah increases or Jehovah is salvation;” Mateus, which means “gift of God;” Teodoro, which means “God’s gift;” or Zacarias, which means “the Lord recalled.”
Want to give your son a name worthy of a warrior? Consider Agosto, which means “great and magnificent;” Alexo, which means “defender of man;” Aloisio, which means “well-known fighter;” Arsenio, which means “masculine;” Artur, which means “noble, courageous;” Balduino, which means “bold friend;” Goncalo, which means “a man who is a genius in battles;” Guilherme, which means “determined protector;” Leopoldo, which means “a bold man;” or Valente, which means “valiant.”
Popular Portuguese Boy Names
Here are a few of the most popular Portuguese boy names in alphabetical order:
1. Abilio
2. Adao
3. Adriano
4. Afonso
5. Agostinho
6. Agosto
7. Alexo
8. Aloisio
9. Anacleto
10. Angelino
11. Anxo
12. Arsenio
13. Artur
14. Atilio
15. Aurelio
16. Balduino
17. Benedito or Bento
18. Bernardo
19. Bonifacio
20. Caetano
21. Carlinhos
22. Celio
23. Celso
24. Cristovao
25. Cruz
26. Dado
27. Danilo
28. Davi
29. Dimas
30. Dinis
31. Duante
32. Duarte
33. Estevao
34. Felipinho
35. Fernao
36. Gaspar
37. Goncalo
38. Gualter
39. Guilherme
40. Heitor
41. Jaco
42. Joao
43. Joãozinho
44. Jonatas
45. Jordao
46. Jorginho
47. Josue
48. Justino
49. Leopoldo
50. Lcio
51. Lidio or Lydio
52. Lourenco
53. Luciano or Lucio
54. Luisinho
55. Manoel
56. Marcos or Marques
57. Martim
58. Mateus
59. Maureo or Mauricio
60. Miguel
61. Nelio
62. Olavo
63. Pascoal
64. Patricio
65. Paulo
66. Pires
67. Quim
68. Renato
69. Rodrigo
70. Salomao
71. Severino
72. Silverio
73. Simao
74. Tavares or Tavaris
75. Teodoro
76. Teotonio
77. Thiago
78. Tiago
79. Tristao
80. Ulisses
81. Valente
82. Valentinus
83. Vicente
84. Vidal or Videl
85. Zacarias
Want more baby names? Check out Spanish baby names, Italian baby names, elegant baby names, and powerful boy names, or explore all baby names for inspiration. Good luck finding a beautiful name for your baby!