One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is choosing a name for your baby! If you are considering Biblical names for boys, you’ve come to the right place! There are many biblical boy names to choose from in the New and Old Testaments. These names include well-known Israelite prophets, judges, generals and angels, apostles, and first-century church evangelists.
Biblical Boy Names for Your Baby
Old Testament Biblical Boy Names
Of course, the vast majority of names in the Old Testament have Hebrew origins. Many of them mean something about God. A few of them have meanings that relate to nature. And several of the names have meanings that are positive traits.
Want to give your son an Old Testament name with a meaning related to God? You might consider Abner, which means “my Father is a light;” Amos, which means “carried by God;” Daniel, which means “God is my judge;” Ezekiel, which means “God strengthens;” Immanuel, which means “God is with us;” Ishmael, which means “God listens;” Israel, which means “God contends;” Jacob, which means “may God protect;” Micah, which means “who is like the Lord;” Michael, which means “who is like God?;” Nathaniel, which means “gift of God;” Raphael, which means “God has healed;” Samuel, which means “God has heard or listener of God;” or Tobias, which means “God is good.”
Or you might like Elijah, which means “Yahweh is my God;” Isaiah, which means “Yahweh is salvation;” Jeremiah, which means “Yahweh will exalt;” or Jonathan, which means “Yahweh has given.”
Are you a nature lover? You might like Aaron, which means “high mountain;” Adam, which means “man, of the earth;” Barak, which means “lightning;” Cyrus, which means “sun;” Elon, which means “oak tree;” Jonah, which means “dove;” Moses, which means “delivered from the water;” or Samson, which means “sun.”
You also might consider Asa, which means “healer, physician, or born in the morning;” Asher, which means “fortunate, blessed, happy;” Caleb, which means “wholehearted;” David, which means “beloved;” Eli, which means “high, elevated;” Ephraim, which means “fruitful, fertile, and productive;” Ethan, which means “strong, firm;” Ezra, which means “help;” Gad, which means “fortune, luck;” Hillel, which means “praise;” Isaac, which means “laughter;” Jabin, which means “discerner, the wise;” Jesse, which means “gift;” Judah or Jude, which mean “praised;” Nathan, which means “given;” Noah, which means “rest, comfort;” or Seth, which means “appointed, placed.”
Or you might like Benjamin, which means “son of the south or son of the right hand,” or Reuben, which means “behold, a son.”
Popular Old Testament Biblical Boy Names
Here are a few of the most popular Old Testament biblical names for boys in alphabetical order:
1. Aaron
2. Abel
3. Abner
4. Abraham
5. Adam
6. Amos
7. Asa
8. Asher
9. Barak
10. Benjamin
11. Caleb
12. Cyrus
13. Daniel
14. David
15. Eli
16. Elijah
17. Elon
18. Ephraim
19. Ethan
20. Ezekiel
21. Ezra
22. Gad
23. Gideon
24. Hillel
25. Hiram
26. Immanuel
27. Isaac
28. Isaiah
29. Ishmael
30. Israel
31. Jabin
32. Jacob
33. Jared
34. Jeremiah
35. Jesse
36. Jethro
37. Joel
38. Jokim
39. Jonah
40. Jonathan
41. Joseph
42. Joshua
43. Josiah
44. Judah
45. Jude
46. Levi
47. Malachi
48. Meshach
49. Micah
50. Michael
51. Moses
52. Nathan
53. Nathaniel
54. Noah
55. Raphael
56. Reuben
57. Samson
58. Samuel
59. Seth
60. Simon
61. Tobias
62. Zion
New Testament Baby Names for Boys
New Testament names are primarily Greek, Aramaic, or Latin (Roman) in origin, but a few are Hebrew. Like Old Testament names, many mean something about God. A few of them have meanings that relate to nature. And several of the names have meanings that are positive traits.
Want to give your son a New Testament biblical boy name with a meaning related to God? You might consider Gabriel, which means “God is my strength;” John, which means “God is gracious;” Matt, Matthew, or Matthias, which mean “gift of God;” Timothy, which means “honoring God;” or Zacharius or Zachary, which mean “the Lord has remembered.”
Do you love nature? You might like Lucas, Lucius, or Luke, which means “light;” Peter, which means “stone, rock;” Phillip, which means “lover of horses;” or Silas, which means “wood, forest.”
Or you might like Abraham, which means “father of many;” Andrew, which means “strong and manly;” Felix, which means “happy, fortunate;” or Paul, which means “small or humble;” Thaddeus, which means “courageous heart;” or Titus, which means “title of honor.” Or you might like Simon, from both the Old and New Testament, which means “the listener.”
Expecting two babies? You might consider Thomas, which means “twin.”
Popular New Testament Biblical Boy Names
Here are a few of the most popular New Testament biblical names for boys in alphabetical order:
1. Andrew
2. Barnabas
3. Bartholomew
4. Cornelius
5. Felix
6. Gabriel
7. James
8. Jason
9. Jesus
10. John
11. Lucas
12. Lucius
13. Luke
14. Mark
15. Matt, Matthew
16. Matthias
17. Paul
18. Peter
19. Phillip
20. Rufus
21. Saul
22. Silas
23. Simon
24. Stephen
25. Thaddeus
26. Thomas
27. Timothy
28. Titus
29. Zacharias
30. Zachary
Whether you want Old Testament or New Testament biblical boy names, there are many great ones to choose from. I hope you found a few of these names to add to your list!
Want more baby names? Check out Hebrew baby names, rare boy names, powerful boy names, and cool boy names, or explore all baby names. Good luck picking out the right one for your baby!