There are many ways we celebrate new parents. There are baby showers, sprinkles, blessingways, maternity photoshoots, and more. But, let’s face it, most of the celebrating is often tailored to the mom. As a pregnant woman, you are probably used to hearing congratulations and well wishes, even from strangers. But for the dad, it’s impossible to know he’s even expecting unless he’s standing next to you. So, while the attention is rightfully given to the mom, some dads-to-be have felt that they also want a night to celebrate their new titles.
Many couples have opted for a joint baby shower. With these, all the women and men in the couple’s lives are invited. Each parent is given gifts and is celebrated on their new bundle of joy equally. But for some dads-to-be, this doesn’t seem to quench their thirst for celebrations. Many dads feel they want one night (or even a weekend) out with their friends before they succumb to new dad life and lose their personal freedoms—coining the term Dadchelor party. But, what exactly is a Dadchelor party?
The Dadchelor Party
The buzzword has been making rounds lately. More and more soon-to-be dads are latching onto the trend and throwing a Dadchelor party of their own.
What is it?
What exactly happens at a Dadchelor party varies. Some men round up a group of friends and head to a bar or out to a restaurant for a night out. Others take it a bit further, mirroring a Bachelor party with a weekend trip to a different city or fun local location. Baby showers are often during the day and center around gifts and games. But Dadchelor parties are often a bit more low-key. Usually, buying the dad-to-be a round of beers is standard. But some will incorporate games or gifts (often gifting the dad diapers and baby essentials). Since it’s such a new term, it’s really up to the dad (or his friends if they are throwing it) about what the party, or the weekend, will look like.
Who should host?
Often, these parties are put together by friends or the dad himself. But some moms-to-be have taken it upon themselves to throw their significant other a Dadchelor party. Social norms have changed greatly. Many moms may feel their new baby-daddy deserves a special time to celebrate their new role as a father. This is especially true for dads who may be taking on the stay-at-home dad role.
What happens during it?
Baby showers center around celebrating the mom-to-be. However, they also serve as a chance for the new mom to get advice and important baby items from experienced moms in their lives. While dads need that advice, too, that isn’t usually what happens during a Dadchelor party.
These parties will focus more on the new dad and him saying goodbye to his old life. For example, if he is used to golfing on the weekends for 8 hours a day, he may want to go out for a full golf day to say goodbye to that chunk of personal time after the baby comes. The most common Dadchelor party is usually quite simple. The dad-to-be and his friends hang out, drink beer or beverage of choice, and reminisce on old times. However, as men start to have babies later in life, the advice aspect may play a bigger role on these parties.
How do I throw one?
If you are looking to throw your significant other, brother, friend, or even yourself one of these parties before the babies arrive, you have many options. To start, simply look at what that person likes to do. Are they big into beer? Consider inviting his loved ones to a night at his favorite pub or bar. Or host a craft beer-tasting event at your home. If he loves sports, gather up some friends and spend the day cheering on his favorite team at a local restaurant or sports bar.
If you want to take it a step further, you may want to plan a weekend away. Head to a fun, relaxing spot like a beach or skiing in the mountains (just be sure it’s not too close to the baby’s due date!). Want to make it a bit more baby-centric? Ask all the men attending to bring a pack of diapers or baby wipes with them as a gift. Or get quirky and bring baby bottles for the men to drink beer out of.
No matter how you choose to celebrate the new dad-to-be, celebrating him is a great option. Dads play a huge role in the baby’s life. A Dadchelor party, no matter how big or small, is a great way for them to let loose and feel appreciated before the baby arrives.