8 Tips for Dealing with a Picky Eater - Baby Chick
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8 Tips for Dealing with a Picky Eater

Are you dealing with a picky eater? An experienced mom helps you go from struggling to smiling at mealtime with these helpful feeding tips!

Published December 28, 2016

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Picky eaters. We all know one (or ten). Don’t we, moms? My toddler only wants to eat chicken nuggets when she even wants to eat at all — and my preschooler pretends she is “sick” when she doesn’t like what I’ve made for dinner. They both are driving me crazy. I’ll admit, I am kind of terrified to start feeding baby number three real (solid) food. I don’t know if I can take that kind of rejection. I am in a fragile, delicate place here. Do you feel me? So here’s my question and my daily frustration. What’s the best strategy for dealing with picky eaters?

1. Experts Say We Should Introduce Healthy Foods From the Beginning

Stick to your guns. Fruits and veggies (of the deepest and darkest varieties) are our friends. Healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle start now. Encourage your littles to “eat their colors.” Brightly colored foods offer more nutrients in a greater variety.

Feeding Specialist Dawn Winkelman says, “if you want to have a healthy baby, a healthy family — you’ll have healthy snacks like blueberries around for snacking. If mom and dad are healthy, baby will be less picky. Encourage your children to eat whole foods. Modeling is so important. Mom and Dad don’t eat pouches, so why should baby?”

2. Recruit Your Child’s Help

Include your littles in the prep work. If they help to make it, they are more inclined to eat it. Include them in the grocery buying process. Give them ownership; create buy-in. We love the Learning Tower from Little Partners for this exact reason. It’s the only step stool on the market designed specifically to meet the needs of both young toddlers and big kids alike. My toddler loves to “do everything herself.” With the Learning Tower, she can actually help in the kitchen.


3. Don’t Buy Junk Food

This is one of the easiest ways to deal with picky eaters. Out of sight, out of mind, right? If it isn’t in the house, it isn’t a “real” option. Save the junk and sweets for treats and special occasions — in moderation, of course. Have healthy finger foods ready and available, and try to keep snacks to a schedule. After all, if they’re full-on snacks — even healthy snacks — they probably won’t be hungry for their regularly scheduled meals. Here’s to outsmart our toddlers!

4. Don’t Force Your Child to “Clean Her Plate”

Kids know when they are full. You should NEVER force your child to overeat. We like to employ the “one bite rule”: you must try at least one decent-sized bite — if you honestly can’t stand the taste of the said dish, then OK. But you’re going to try a bite, and you’re going to be polite about it. This is especially important in public situations — no one likes the rude kid that won’t eat anything. Trust me. I don’t want that kid at my house…

5. Serve Small Portions and Allow Them to Ask For More

6. Be Patient When Introducing New Foods, and Make It Fun!

Feeding specialist Dawn Winkelman says picky eaters sometimes don’t like their foods touching. They don’t want the flavors (of their purées) to mix and blend. She says using plates with compartments, like the EZPZ Happy Mat, helps with this. Food won’t encroach on each other, which helps you set up your kids for self-feeding success.

Baby Chick, EZPZ, Happy Mat, picky eaters

7. Turn off the Television!

Eat dinner as a family and talk to each other (GASP!). Talk about your day and your plans for the weekend. Heck, maybe just talk about the foods that you are eating. Just keep the distracting television turned off — this should help to make mealtime more meaningful!

8. Remember: You Are Not a Short-Order Cook!

So don’t allow yourself to be treated like one. My children are slowly (and painfully) learning that mom isn’t going to make them ten dinners. They either eat what I serve them, or they go to bed “hungry.” Eventually, they are going to learn to eat what mom makes. And when all else fails, I just hide fruits and veggies in a green smoothie! Hey, a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do.

How did you deal with your picky eater? Did you drink all the wine? Did you just give in and feed your child chocolate for breakfast? We’d love to hear!

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Wife, mommy to three precious little girls, and I love writing!

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