The Importance of Me Time as a Mother - Baby Chick
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The Importance of Me Time as a Mother

Me time--It's beneficial for the whole family for you to take a little time away to focus on being happy and fulfilled mama. Learn more.

Updated July 15, 2024

In the past decade, studies have shown that, despite the apparent improvements in women’s lives over the last 50 years, women’s happiness levels have steadily declined.1 There are many theories as to why this is. However, one could argue that it’s because women’s lives are more hectic now than ever. More women are trying to juggle a career, relationships, a family, a household, friendships, and other activities outside the home. And they are trying to do it all at once.2

It’s no surprise that many women (especially moms) do not prioritize themselves in their own lives. Are you guilty of that? I know I am. Since becoming a mom, I have found it increasingly difficult to find time to do things just for me. I’m realizing that it will never happen if you’re trying to find the time. You have to make time.

I know what you’re thinking: yeah, right. I know because I’ve felt that way, too. But it is so important to make time for yourself. Because if you don’t, I can almost guarantee that you’ll end up like many of the women in the study who seem to have it all but are still desperately unhappy. I know you don’t want that, and you don’t want your kids to witness that. So it’s important to start making yourself a priority now.

Why Is Me Time So Important?

You’re Not Just a Mom

Sometimes, it may feel like it, but you’re not “just a mom.” Yes, being a mom is an incredibly important job. It’s perhaps even the most important job of your life, but it is not all that defines you. Before you were a mom, you were a woman with goals, hopes, and dreams. Before you were a mom, you were likely a wife, a friend, a colleague, or a co-worker.

While those roles in your life may have fallen away since having your baby, they are no less a part of who you are now. Those roles have helped mold you into the person you are. And, one day, you may have to or want to wear those old hats again. Your hopes, dreams, goals, friends, career, relationships . . . they’re all still there. And you have every right to continue to pursue them. Yes, being a mom is wonderful and so important. But so is who you are underneath that one layer.

They Grow Up

Believe it or not, your babies won’t be babies for much longer. I know it’s cliche, but they grow up in the blink of an eye. Once those kids are out of your house (heck, once they hit junior high and want nothing to do with you), if you don’t have interests and activities that fill you up outside of raising your children, you will feel very lost and alone. Listen, none of us want to be that helicopter mom who follows her kid to the mall and watches him in stealth mode. But if you don’t start cultivating healthy, enjoyable, fulfilling hobbies or interests that are JUST FOR YOU, you may be that creepy mall mom before you know it.

Be An Example

For better or for worse, your kids are watching you ALL THE TIME. They learn more by the example you set than by the words you repeat to them (likely on an hourly basis).3 When you fail to take time for yourself, you risk teaching your children that they are the center of the universe. This inevitably leads to selfish kids. By taking time for yourself regularly, you show your children that your interests matter and that your life outside of them is valuable.

Having a happy and fulfilled mom will benefit your children more than a mom who sacrifices her passions for her children. When they see you actively pursuing a goal, a dream, or simply taking time to read a book because you enjoy it, you’re teaching them that you value yourself as much as you value taking care of them. That is a powerful lesson.

It Makes You a Better Mom

If you’ve ever been on an airplane, one of the most important instructions in the safety speech is that if the oxygen mask falls from the overhead compartment, you are to place it over your face first before placing a mask over your child’s face. The purpose of that instruction is that you can’t help your child if you haven’t filled up your lungs with life-giving oxygen first. The same is true in motherhood. The more you fill up your fulfillment tank, the more you can pour into your children. Regularly taking time for yourself helps you to be a better mom.

How Do I Make It Happen?

So, we’ve established that taking time for yourself is important. Your next question is likely, “But how?” I get it. You’re super busy, you have a lot on your plate, and the days and weeks seem to pass you by. I know it seems impossible to make a little time to focus on yourself, but it’s not. Here are some ideas for carving out some valuable “me time” regularly. And by regularly, I mean as often as you can fit it in at this stage of your life. It may be once a month, or it may be once a day):

  • Go out to lunch or a coffee shop ALL BY YOURSELF. Bring a book or a magazine, or take time to make that phone call to your friend that you keep putting off.
  • Go window shopping or go try on some pretty dresses you can’t afford. You don’t have to buy anything!
  • Get a manicure or pedicure . . . or both! Or spring for a massage.
  • Go for a walk with your headphones and nothing else. Listen to your favorite (non-Disney) music, and let your mind wander.
  • Take a bubble bath. Bonus points for taking a glass of wine with you. 😉
  • Get up early in the morning (before the kids get up), read, do a Bible study, or write in your journal.
  • Watch your favorite television show while the baby naps (I promise, the laundry will still be there later).
  • Work on a craft you’ve wanted to start but never got around to.
  • Do some yoga or meditate.

Whatever it is that you choose to do, be all in. Try not to let thoughts of how much you have to do around the house or whether your kids are surviving (or their father is surviving) in your absence ruin your time. Everything you have to do will still be there when you get back. Your husband is a parent, too, and he will be fine. Fairies will not take the kids while you are away. I promise everyone will be okay while you tend to yourself. It will be worth it for you, your spouse, and your kids if you take a little time away in exchange for a happy and fulfilled mama.

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  • Author

Cheyenne is a former lawyer turned writer, editor, and work-from-home mom living in San Marcos, Texas, with her daughter, Aislin, and son, Hawkins. She and her kids moved to the area to begin life anew after the sudden death of her husband in 2017. Cheyenne is the owner and founder of Sense & Serendipity where she writes about topics such as motherhood, widowhood, home décor and DIY, and wellness. She loves red wine, compelling books, old homes, and antique shopping. Cheyenne has a passion for inspiring and uplifting other women, especially moms, and often uses dry wit and slightly inappropriate humor to get through tough times.

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