12 At-Home Date Night Ideas for After the Kids Are in Bed
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12 At-Home Date Night Ideas for After the Kids Are in Bed

Are you looking for ideas to spice up your relationship? Missing date nights? Here are 12 at home date night ideas when the kids are in bed!

Updated July 14, 2024

Some of us find date nights hard to schedule and even harder to keep. Getting a babysitter and getting out of the house is difficult. Date nights are however essential and a great way to reconnect with your partner. When you have kids, just getting time to talk to each other, let alone have quality time, is difficult. Kids are always talking over you, and you can barely hear yourself think a lot of the time. Fortunately, you don’t have to leave home to reconnect with your spouse. Instead, you can use the time you do have in a better way. So, you can have a date in your home and make it a lot of fun with these at-home date night ideas.

12 At-Home Date Ideas for When the Kids Are in Bed

1. Have a movie night.

After days of watching kid programming, an adult movie night will be a welcome break for both of you. What you watch with the kids is severely restricted, so choose a favorite you cannot watch in front of your kids. It will help your brain and help you reconnect. You can also make treats and snuggle on the couch.

2. Have a game night.

Get some board games out and have a game night with just the two of you. You can have some friendly competition and play games you usually cannot play because they are too complicated or inappropriate for the kids.

3. Cook or bake something together.

When you have kids, you spend a lot of time preparing food for them. It can be hard to make the food you want to eat. You can take your time and prepare a meal together to enjoy. When preparing your meal without the kids, you can revisit an old favorite or make something to reminisce about.

4. Have a cooking or baking competition.

You can take the baking up a notch by having a competition. Instead of cooking together, you can each prepare a dish and see how the other stacks up. This activity can be a fun time for reconnecting and including a healthy dose of competition.

5. Try out a new dish.

It is hard to get kids to try anything new. Save new recipes for an at-home date night and enjoy them with your significant other. Find something that you always wanted to try and make it together.

6. Have a DIY spa night.

Being a parent is exhausting and stressful. It can be hard to get the self-care you need or go for a massage. Instead of going out to a spa, bring a spa night to you. This way, you can enjoy it together and count it as a date night to reconnect with your partner.

7. Learn something new together.

There are tons of videos and tutorials on YouTube that teach different things. Find something both of you are interested in learning and have your own class time. You can have fun together while learning something new.

8. Look at old pictures.

When we get bogged down in day-to-day life, we can find it hard to remember how we fell in love with our partner. Take some time and reminisce through old pictures. You could take a spin through your wedding album and photos from when your kids were little. This date will remind you how much you appreciate each other and remember what it was like when you first fell in love.

9. Play video games.

You could play video games together as an alternative to a board game night. This type of activity is another great way to spend an evening. Find a game you have not played for a while and have fun rediscovering it together.

10. Have a dance party.

This type of date can still be done, but keep the music on the quiet side. Mix in some slow dances, and you can have a great time dancing the night away in your own house.

11. Work out together.

Having an accountability partner helps with fitness success. Finding time to work out or go to the gym can be challenging. Save time by working out with your partner together at home. You can do this after the kids are in bed.

12. Have an indoor or outdoor picnic.

In the winter months, you can have a picnic indoors. If the weather is nice, you can take your picnic outside. Grab a blanket and some snacks, and spend time gazing at the stars together.

And there you have it, 12 at-home date night ideas to try with your partner. Reconnecting with your partner is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship. Even if you cannot get a babysitter and go out or prefer to stay home, get creative and have a date night at home after the kids are in bed. You can still strengthen your relationship. It doesn’t matter where you have your date. What matters is that you have it at all.

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  • Author

Kristen N. Winiarski spends much of her days battling her kids' hangry moods with bacon and Cookie Monster impressions. She also encourages dance parties as P.E. whenever possible. Kristen started writing at just 10 years old and she loves to write about motherhood and classic movies. She also writes fiction.

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