5 Ways to Stop Worrying About Everything With Your Baby | Baby Chick
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5 Ways to Stop Worrying About Every Little Thing with Your Baby

We know it's hard. But take a deep breath and follow these tips to help yourself stop worrying about every little thing with your new baby.

Updated July 19, 2024

by Quinn Kelly

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

I get it. I do. As soon as that beautiful new baby is placed in your arms, you start worrying like crazy. From changing a diaper correctly to checking to ensure they’re breathing every five minutes. I would be embarrassed if I wrote down a list of everything I have diagnosed my four sons with over the last nine years. I would also need more than one sheet of paper to have enough space. To name a few: measles, hormone deficiency, a misshapen head, a spine disorder, separation anxiety. And those were all just with my first of four sons. So, I get that it seems impossible to stop worrying about your baby.

While some of these concerns did turn out to be valid, most of them did not warrant the worry that went into them. You see, I’m a worrier to the point that you might be able to diagnose me with some sort of worry syndrome because I like to worry about every little thing with my babies. Or at least I used to until I realized that 9 times out of 10, my worrying did me no good. Because when I worried, I would not just be worried about the moment. I would see ten years into the future and go to the worst-case scenario. Every. Single. Time.

And if you’re a new mom with anxiety, I bet you can relate. Worry is real, but it isn’t necessary for everything.

5 Simple Tips to Keep Yourself Grounded and Stop Worrying

If you are falling into a constant worry pattern, keep reading.

1. Memorize the Phrase, “Every Little Thing Is NOT a Thing!”

While health concerns DO need to be checked out by a doctor, every little thing you see on your baby is not some major issue. So repeat this phrase three times, “I will get things checked out, but I will not believe that everything is a thing.” Because only facts warrant worry, not suspicion.

2. Find a Pediatrician You Love and Trust Them

A pediatrician you trust and love is just what the doctor ordered (literally) to ease every new mom’s worries. Because they ARE an expert, they can look at a red bump and tell you it’s a goosebump instead of confirming your suspicion that your baby has mumps. (This is something I’ve once done.) Their training allows them to know when you need to get something further checked out. So, if you don’t feel connected with your pediatrician, keep interviewing pediatricians until you find one that you do.

3. Use Web MD and Google As a Resource, NOT an Expert

While Google and WebMD can pull up interesting and perhaps valid articles, the information you pull up may not even be close to accurate for your baby’s condition. So, it’s important to use the internet as a way to investigate but not to diagnose. I cannot tell you how often I have gone to the doctor with a diagnosis only to be told it is something completely different. And significantly less serious.

4. Create Your Experienced Mom Health Tribe

When I am concerned about one of my sons, I have found that asking my close friends if they have experienced something similar with their child reduces my worry. Because often, if I have built something up in my head only to find out that three of my other friends have had children with the same issue, I feel less concerned. When I see something is common, I see that my worry may be unnecessary. Friends have also helped point me in the right direction regarding asking the doctor questions. Never underestimate a seasoned mom for helpful input with sickness. But remember, they are not doctors either. So, their information should only be used as a reference point.

5. Every Issue is Not a Worst-Case Scenario

Just because your child has a health issue does not necessarily mean it is the worst-case scenario. When my children have had something not quite right, I worried that the worst would come of it. For instance, one of my sons had an unusually large fontanelle (soft spot). It was still not closed at his 2-year-old well visit. I had many sleepless nights worrying that he might need a protective helmet in grade school to protect his brain. By his next well visit, it turns out the spot had closed on its own, proving to me that worry is often a waste of energy and time.

It is important to note that our children sometimes have serious medical issues. And those are not something to minimize. All moms should always get things checked out before dismissing a concern. But I also know that worry is not our friend until the doctor says otherwise (even if that means getting a second opinion). And I hope this proves helpful in keeping your worry in check.

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Quinn Kelly Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
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Quinn is a mother of four, licensed marriage and family therapist, host of the “Renew You” Podcast, and author of “Raising Boys: A Christian Parenting Book.” Throughout the last decade, Quinn’s writing has also been featured on Today Show’s Funniest Parents, Scary Mommy, Family Share, Love What Matters, PopSugar, Huffington Post, Baby Chick, Her View From Home, and Mother and Baby Australia. In April 2022, Quinn published her first book, “Raising Boys” through Rockridge Press, which made it to Amazon’s number one spot on the school-age children's new release list. When Quinn is not recording podcasts or seeing clients, you can find her in a sports carpool for one of her sons, walking her naughty but cute Goldendoodle Hazel, or…

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