How To Clean Your Breast Pump and Why It's Important - Baby Chick
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How To Clean Your Breast Pump and Why It’s Important

Learn why you should clean your breast pump regularly, discover the best ways to do it, and find out how to properly store your breast milk.

Updated September 25, 2024

by Dr. Jessica Madden

board-certified neonatologist, pediatrician, and lactation consultant (IBCLC)

New moms are well aware of the risks that harmful bacteria can pose to a newborn. We often discuss the importance of having guests wash their hands before holding your baby or avoiding public spaces where germs may proliferate, but perhaps even more essential to your infant’s safety is the practice of maintaining a clean breast pump! Learning to properly clean your breast pump and store breast milk in ways that prevent the growth of bacteria is essential to protecting your little one’s good health.

The Best Ways To Clean Your Breast Pump (And Why You Should!)

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you need to clean every part of your breast pump that comes into contact with your breast or breast milk after each use. This includes the valves, membranes, breast shields, connectors, and more.1 This is because the moisture in breast milk quickly creates the perfect environment for mold, mildew, and germs to quickly grow and flourish.2,3 Here are the best ways to keep your breast pump clean:

Before Each Pumping Session

Follow these steps from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) before you begin pumping:2

  1. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water.
  2. Inspect your breast pump kit and accessories as you assemble the pump. Throw away tubing that’s moldy or has water droplets.
  3. Use disinfectant wipes to clean your breast pump dials, switches, and the surface you’ll place it on.

After Each Pumping Session

Follow these steps from the CDC after pumping:2

  1. Clean your breast pump area, surface, dials, and switches with disinfectant wipes.
  2. Disassemble your breast pump and separate each of the parts that came into contact with your breast or milk.
  3. Rinse each part under running water to wash away any remaining milk. Do not place these items directly into the sink.
  4. Refer to your breast pump manual to see if you can place some pump accessories in the dishwasher. Otherwise, wash the parts by hand in a wash basin that’s only for cleaning your breast pump kit and infant feeding items.
  5. Place the basin, breast pump parts, and bottle brush on a clean dish or paper towel to dry.
  6. Allow each part to air dry.* Do not pat or rub them with a towel to dry.

*Note: Do not store your breast pump until each part is 100% dry to prevent mold and bacteria growth.2

After Cleaning

For extra germ removal, you should sanitize your pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush at least once daily after cleaning them. You can sanitize these items using steam, boiling water, or a dishwasher with a sanitize setting.2 The CDC notes that sanitizing is important if your baby:2

  • Is less than 2 months old
  • Was born prematurely
  • Has a weaker immune system (because of illness or medical treatments like chemotherapy)

For detailed instructions on sanitizing your pump parts, visit this link.

Store Parts Safely

Make sure your clean pump parts, bottle brushes, and wash basins have air-dried thoroughly before storing them. (These items must be completely dry to help prevent germs and mold from growing.) Then, you can store the dry items safely in a clean, protected area until you need to use them again.2

A visual guide titled "Breast Pump Cleaning Guide" outlines two methods to clean your breast pump: "Cleaning by Hand" and "Clean in Dishwasher." Steps include disassembling parts, rinsing, washing with soap, and air-drying. Specific tips and reminders are also provided.

Print or save cleaning guide

Properly Storing Your Breast Milk

Breast milk has a certain timeframe in which you need to use it so it provides the most nourishment possible. Whether stored at room temperature, refrigerated, or frozen, breast milk can sometimes go bad before you’re able to use it. The lifespan of your pumped milk will vary between storage methods due to temperature conditions and exposure. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • You can store freshly expressed breast milk at room temperature for four to six hours.4,5
  • You can store breast milk in the refrigerator for up to four days between 32 and 39 degrees F.4,5,6
  • You can store breast milk in the freezer for up to six months and 12 months in the back of a deep freezer.5

We hope this article gave you a better idea of how to clean your breast pump properly. Remember that cleaning, sanitizing, and drying your pump parts regularly can help prevent bacteria from growing and ensure you protect your baby from germs. And we know just how important it is to take care of our little ones’ health!

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Jessica Madden
Dr. Jessica Madden board-certified neonatologist, pediatrician, and lactation consultant (IBCLC)
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Jessica Madden, MD, is a board-certified neonatologist, pediatrician, and lactation consultant (IBCLC) who is passionate about breastfeeding medicine, perinatal mental health disorders, "fourth-trimester" mother-baby care, and the neurodevelopmental follow-up of premature babies. She founded Primrose Newborn Care, a newborn medicine and lactation home visiting service in Cleveland, Ohio, in 2018. Dr. Madden belongs to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. She is a former Clinical Instructor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, and she is currently an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine. Her hobbies include traveling, playing with her kids, hiking, puzzles, yoga, and learning ballet.

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