DIY Spa-in-a-Box Gift for Mother’s Day - Baby Chick
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DIY Spa-in-a-Box Gift for Mother’s Day

If you're looking for a last minute gift to give your mother on Mother's Day, this DIY spa in a box is the perfect thing!

Updated August 10, 2024

by Nina Spears

The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert

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It’s sneaking up on us . . . Mother’s Day, that is! If you’ve been busy and haven’t been able to pick up something extra special for your mom or have no idea what to get her, I have just the thing!

As you know, a mother’s job never ends. Even when her kids are grown. So, the gift of a bit of R&R is precisely what she needs and deserves. I have put together a great at-home DIY spa-in-a-box that she will love! Whether you decide to make your own face mask, bath bombs, and bath salts or purchase everything already made, you can’t go wrong.

What to Include in Your Spa-in-a-Box Mother’s Day Gift

Since we are just a few days away, here’s what I’ve included in my last-minute “spa in a box” Mother’s Day gift:

(I included some links in case you were interested in more information about these products or if you want to shop for your mama online!)

I stopped by my local Michael’sWhole Foods, and HomeGoods stores and found all these goodies.

diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit

I made sure to pick things that I knew my mother would like. Bath bombs are always nice, bath salts, lotions (she loves to get her feet rubbed), and who doesn’t love champagne bears?! I made sure to select a box that would perfectly fit all of the things that I bought her. This way, she can keep it all together in her bathroom and use what she wants when she wants it. The presentation is also satisfying to the eye. 😉

diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit
diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit

Alternative Items to Include in Your Spa-in-a-Box Mother’s Day Gift

If these items I’ve selected above aren’t your thing (or your mom’s thing), here are some other ideas to add to your spa-in-a-box gift:

There are so many cute ideas that you could add to make it something that she would love!

diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit
diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit
diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit
diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit

I hope you all are getting to do something special for Mother’s Day or are doing something nice for your mother. We think she would love a gift like this (I know I would!)! 🙂

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