10 Ways to Take Advantage of Your Local Public Library - Baby Chick
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10 Ways to Take Advantage of Your Local Public Library

I really love the library, and so does my toddler! Here are the top 10 ways you can start taking advantage of your local public library.

Updated September 22, 2024

I have always been somewhat of a library junky, but since becoming a mom, I have taken advantage of all that my local public library has to offer more than ever! There are so many programs and classes that you can attend absolutely free! I really love the library, and so does my toddler. So here are the top 10 ways you can also start taking advantage of your local public library.

1. Mommy and Me Classes!

When I first had my daughter, I searched high and low for a mommy-and-me class. I found several, but they all cost around $15.00 a class. So as you can imagine, I was thrilled to discover that my library offered a mommy and me class for free. Wednesday mornings, for a half-hour, my daughter and I sang, listened to stories, and made a little craft. And extra class time was spent playing, which was so much fun! This was a great time for me to socialize with other moms, and my daughter benefitted from all of the interactions as well. My library currently offers this for kids ages 9 months to 4 years old.

2. Reading Programs

My library offers a small-scale winter reading program for all ages. It helps to keep me on track with my reading throughout those long winter months and offers perks like free books and tickets toward basket raffles for each book completed. They also offer a summer reading program, which is much more extravagant and kid-based. This program is themed, and activities such as games, parades, and picnics are offered each day. Points are earned through the summer and tallied at the end. The points can then be exchanged for prizes. Reading programs are a must for my family, and I love that they are so available nearly all year long.

3. Special Event Classes for Kids and Adults

This category is so broad that anyone could find something they would enjoy. Some classes available at my library include adult cooking classes, knitting or crochet classes, and even different plant and flower workshops. Events for kids from American Girl Club, Lego Club, S.T.E.A.M. groups to concerts, movies, and special character visits for the little ones. Most recently, Clifford [the Big Red Dog] came for a visit and was a huge hit with the toddler and preschool age groups.

4. Book Club for Teens and Adults

Our library’s book club meets monthly to discuss a scheduled book and chat together. Simple refreshments, like juice and cookies, are usually provided, and it’s a great way to meet new people. Often, I leave with a new perspective on a book, which is a bonus!

5. A Plethora of Books, DVDs, Computers, and Printers

I know this is very obvious, but it’s nice to know that anytime I want to print something off or check out a book or movie, I can. My library also offers a fax machine and a notary, which has been a massive help to me.

6. Book and DVD Sales

If you’re looking to bulk up your home library collection, this is the place to go! Several times a year, my local public library has a big sale, selling books and movies for super cheap. You can usually fill a bag to the brim for $5.00. You can’t beat that price.

7. Holiday Emphasis

Our local library emphasizes holidays. They have events and parties for kids and adults for nearly every holiday. This is fun because it’s a free seasonal or holiday-related event that the kids are sure to love, and it helps me get into the spirit as well.

8. Office Space Available

This is perfect for college students who need a quiet study place and is excellent for tutoring. It is also a great option for people who work from home to change the scenery or to have a place free of distraction.

9. Self-Help Classes

These are similar to special event classes but are specifically suited to benefit adults. These options include driver ED classes, writing groups, finance, computer, and fitness classes such as yoga and Zumba. They have also offered an introduction to essential oils class and classes on how to lower insurance costs.

10. Giving to Charity Instead of Just Paying Fines

Several times a year, our local public library allows its patrons to pay off their fines by donating items to a local charity. I always take advantage of this opportunity (because I always have fines), and I love that my library supports our local city mission and food pantries.

To find your local library, visit HERE.

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