6 Reasons Why Moms Need to Lift Weights - Baby Chick
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6 Reasons Why Moms Need to Lift Weights

Whether you’re lifting babies or lifting groceries (or both?!), there are many beneficial reasons why moms need to lift weights.

Updated September 12, 2024

by Kate Horney

Certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, Nutrition Coach

Whether you’re lifting babies or groceries (or both at the same time), there are many beneficial reasons why moms need to lift weights.

1. It Helps With Stress

This is number one for a good reason! How much stress is added to our lives when we add a family? A TON! It can seem overwhelming at times. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to be in shape. There are two parts: the exercise itself reduces stress. The other is that if you are fit, stress’s effects are lessened. Exercise is a fantastic way for strong moms to fight back against stress. Stress is a contributor to just about every disease we know about. But you can do something about it!

2. It Gives You the Energy You Need to Keep up With Your Kids

I have a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old that keep me BUSY. I’ll be honest and tell you it can be tough trying to keep up with them! Being fit gives strong moms the energy to be involved in their child’s play and lives! I remember my mom always playing with me as a child, and I want to give that to my sons as they grow up.

3. It Sets an Excellent Example for Your Children

Childhood obesity is on the rise. What is the number one way to defeat it? Be a good example yourself! According to the CDC, sociological factors such as the parents’ lifestyle and fitness are the number one factor in children’s health.1 If you want to train up a child in the way they should go, you have to go that way yourself!

4. It Lets You Be There for Your Kids

Let’s face it: people who are healthy and in shape live longer! On average, individuals who worked out for at least 15 minutes a day lived 3-8 years longer. We all want to see those special moments in our kids’ lives, like college graduations, weddings, and grandkids. But you have to get there. So, if you aren’t doing it for yourself, do it for your kids! I know they will appreciate it.

But Can’t I Get These Same Benefits With Any Exercise, You May Ask?

Weightlifting and resistance training exercises are specifically important for moms and have many unique benefits that traditional cardiovascular exercise can’t provide. Including:

5. It Burns Belly Fat

A University of Alabama study showed that women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat (deep belly fat) than those who just did cardio.2 It’s critical to boost resistance training to help boost growth hormone—which aids in fat-burning. This helps you slim your waistline and feel better in your clothes and lessens your risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers.

6. It Tightens and Tones

Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 50, you’ll likely lose 10 percent of your body’s muscle mass.3 Unfortunately, fat will probably replace the muscle over time. This change increases your waist size because one pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space than one pound of muscle.

Cardio alone won’t cut it when it comes to workouts for moms.

If You’re Wondering How to Lose the Baby Weight, You Have to Look Past the Cardio and Onto the Weights

I realize that carrying a baby around all day is a workout in and of itself, but if you really want to take your fat loss to the next level, adding some strength training will be key. Cardiovascular exercise may get you bigger or smaller, but you will stay the same shape– weight training is the #1 way to change your body’s shape.

Strength training three times a week for 30 minutes increases fat-fighting hormones that help burn fat long after your workout. This will go a long way toward speeding up your metabolism, tightening, and toning. This is the most often missed secret in fat loss.

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Kate Horney Certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, Nutrition Coach
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Kate is a certified physical trainer and nutrition coach with a C.P.T. & B.S. in Exercise Physiology. She is a health and fitness professional with over a decade of experience working in the health and fitness industry, specializing in prenatal and postnatal fitness and female fat loss. Kate has worked with thousands of women worldwide through her online fitness programs designed specifically for women using research, science, and proven techniques.

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