10 Tips for Staying Active With Your Family - Baby Chick
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10 Tips for Staying Active With Your Family

I love teaching that exercise is not a chore, but rather it's something that we get to do to have fun and take care of our minds and bodies.

Updated July 19, 2024

by Kate Horney

Certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, Nutrition Coach

As moms, one important job we have is to make sure that our kids develop healthy habits at a young age. It’s important to teach our kids that taking care of their bodies matters. I love teaching my boys that exercise is not a chore but something that we get to do to have fun and take care of our minds and bodies. So, to help your family stay healthy together, I’m sharing some tips for how to keep your family active!

Why It’s Important for Kids To Be Active

When it comes to children, being active can involve active play as well as exercise. Kids that have more than two hours of screen time a day have been associated with an increase in health problems such as:1

  • Obesity and diabetes
  • Behavioral difficulties
  • Irregular sleep patterns

On the flip side, children that exercise regularly tend to have:2,3

  • Stronger bones and muscles
  • Leaner bodies and are less likely to be overweight
  • Lower risk of developing diabetes
  • Can deal with emotional stress better
  • Have better sleep

How To Stay Active With Your Family

I know how much better I feel when I am physically active myself. If you need some ideas on how to get active with your family, this list is for you! Here are 10 tips to help you and your family stay active together:

1. Schedule Family Workouts

I love planning workouts that the whole family can join in on. All you need is a set of dumbbells, a yoga mat, and some sweat and effort, and you’ll get fat-burning results while your kiddos play or even try to do the workout with you!

2. Take a Hike

We love to find hiking or nature trails to explore. It’s a great leisurely walk, time for our family to talk and for my boys to explore the great outdoors.

3. Hit the Park

Pushing kids on the swings and chasing them around the park is a workout for everyone involved!

4. Stretching or Yoga

I love to take some time for stretching or yoga in the morning, and the boys love to join me with yoga poses for kids. It’s a perfect way to stay active while also taking time to wind down after a tough workout or work out muscle soreness.

5. Ride Bikes

Now that our youngest is old enough to ride his “big boy” bike safely, we’ve found that family bike rides can be so much fun! Before both boys could ride, we loved to use the Burley bike trailer so that Warren could ride while Jackson, Patrick, and I rode our bikes.

6. Take a Walk

Walking is a great way to lower stress and spend time being active as a family. Find a park to stroll through or walk around the neighborhood. It’s a great time to spend together, talking and walking as a family.

7. Go for a Swim

Who doesn’t love a good swim? Whether you’re hitting the beach, lake, or pool, swimming is a great way to stay active!

8. Sprint

Take some time on a Saturday morning to plan a family race. We love our 10-minute sprint workouts, and they’ve quickly become a weekly tradition. Whether you sprint down the driveway, at the track, or at the park, see if you can go all out for 30 seconds, take one minute to rest/recover, and repeat!

9. Set Up Active Games

Turn off the video games and take your gaming outdoors. My boys love active games like hide and seek, tag, or backyard obstacle courses. For more ideas, check out these outdoor toys for kids and outdoor games for kids.

10. Limit Screen Time

Track how much time your family spends in front of a screen, including watching TV and movies, playing video games, and using the computer (outside of school or work). Then look at how much time the family spends doing physical activities, and you’ll get a sense of what changes to make. When you do spend time in front of the screen, do something active. Stretch, practice yoga poses, walk on a treadmill, or lift weights. Challenge the family to see who can do the most push-ups or jumping jacks during commercial breaks.

The best way to increase physical activity in your family life is for you to be a part of it. Activities should be fun and something that the whole family can do together. Kids need at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but it doesn’t have to be all at once. Short walks, active chores, walking the dog — it all adds up!

Make physical activity a project that the whole family can enjoy together. Encourage everyone to think of fun things to do to get off the couch, away from TV and computer screens, and get moving!

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