8 Fun Ways to Connect With Baby in Your Tummy - Baby Chick
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8 Fun Ways to Connect With Baby in Your Tummy

If you'd like to bond with your baby before they're born, here are eight fun ways to connect with your unborn child.

Updated January 31, 2025

We hear about ways to bond with our newborns from the moment they are born. But what about ways to connect with your baby still in your tummy? Pregnant moms and their significant others can begin bonding with their babies well before birth. Babies start hearing sounds in your body around the 18-week mark of pregnancy. By 27 to 29 weeks, they may even be able to tell when it’s mom or dad talking to them. They will hear at around the same level as an adult when they are full-term.1 But how can you connect with your baby while they are still in your tummy?

Ways to Connect With Your Unborn Baby

Check out these 8 fun ways you and your partner can connect and bond with your baby while still in your tummy.

1. Talk it Out

One of the simplest things you can do to bond with your baby is to talk to them. It may feel silly initially, but hearing your voice consistently throughout the pregnancy will help strengthen your connection. When you lay down in bed at the end of the night, recount your day to your baby, tell them a story about something funny that happened, and tell them goodnight.

2. Play Music

While your baby may not be able to decipher who the artist is or what they are singing about, they can feel the vibrations of the music playing. Some moms swear by playing classical music as a calming and educational form of music for the baby. But any music works in this scenario! Play them your favorite songs, or maybe even put on your favorite songs from your childhood for a bit of nostalgia.

3. Sing & Dance

Playing music and talking to your baby are both great ways to bond. You can even take it further and sing and dance with them. Sing a lullaby or nursery rhyme to your baby each night, and you may be surprised to see them calm down when they hear that same song after birth. Or turn up your favorite tune and have a little dance party in the living room. Keep it simple and easy. The movement is great for your baby to feel and good for you, too.

4. Give a Gentle Massage

You have probably become accustomed to touching your belly throughout the day, often without even realizing you are doing it. Capitalize on this by giving your belly a gentle massage every so often. The best way to do this is to lie in bed or while you shower and rub lotion, body wash, or oils on your belly for an enhanced experience.

5. Get Active

If you can physically be active during your pregnancy, doing so can help you connect. A great activity is prenatal yoga, which focuses on you and your baby. At the end of each session, most prenatal yoga practices encourage you to shut your eyes and gently talk to your baby. It is a great way to get exercise and bond at the same time.

6. Encourage Others to Talk with Baby

Have your partner talk with the baby when they feel comfortable. You can even ask the soon-to-be grandparents, in-laws, and close friends. In the third trimester, babies can often identify familiar sounds.1 So, hearing your loved ones talk to them often will create a sense of familiarity after they are born.

7. Say Their Name

Even if you aren’t sharing the name with others, try sounding it out to the baby. When you talk to them, pat your belly and say their name. The more you say it, the more your baby will start to recognize it and may even kick you a bit at the sound of it. It’s also an excellent opportunity to hear the name said aloud (say their nicknames, too, if they have them!) since it’s something you will be saying quite often for the rest of their lives.

8. Do a Photoshoot

Maternity photo shoots are great for the memories and the keepsakes down the road, but they are also a great way to connect with your baby and spouse. Often, those images require moments of intimacy and reflection, and good photographers will ask you to rub your belly and even talk to your baby about how much you love them to create an emotional scene. Getting the images back after the session is also a great moment—you can describe them to your baby and relive the special day.

Getting caught up in the daily demands is normal, especially if you have other little ones running around. But making a point to take a few moments or schedule something special to bond with this baby in your belly is something you’ll never regret. So make a point to celebrate this time while they are growing inside of you. They will be memories you will cherish forever.

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