The third trimester . . . the final three months before baby’s arrival! Mary Alice is at the end of her pregnancy, due December 25th, and I am officially in my third trimester, 31 weeks!
We both have experienced many different things throughout our pregnancies. Our podcast already covered what to expect in the first and second trimesters, and today, we are chatting about the third trimester: what we are experiencing and what you may expect.
Some of these symptoms will sound familiar — hello again, first-trimester symptoms! But each change should encourage you since each brings you closer to meeting your baby. Here’s what you can expect from your third trimester of pregnancy.
Related articles:
- Third Trimester of Pregnancy Checklist
- 15 Third Trimester Must-Haves for Your Pregnancy
- You Know You’re in the Third Trimester When . . .
- 30 Relatable and Hysterical Truths About the Third Trimester
- What Black Women Should Know in the Third Trimester
- 12 Signs You’re in Your Third Trimester and Over It