What To Know about Your Sex Drive After Baby - Baby Chick
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What To Know about Your Sex Drive After Baby

Did you know that it’s completely normal to have a decreased sex drive after having a baby? Here's what you need to know.

Published January 26, 2017 Opinion

Did you know that it’s completely normal to have a decreased sex drive after having a baby?1 I had no clue until I experienced it firsthand. This feeling can last for months; however, most women report this decrease in libido to be temporary. Some women also report a decreased sex drive while breastfeeding, saying it returned once baby was weaned and they stopped nursing completely. But if you think about it, doesn’t it stand to reason that a life change so major would impact your love life? After all, a new baby affects everything else . . .

We Get It. You’re Exhausted

Your sex drive now has to compete with the overwhelming fatigue that accompanies welcoming a newborn into your family. This can be especially challenging for first-time parents. (I know it was for us!) New babies are demanding and require round-the-clock care. Sometimes, you just want to nap and not be touched. And that is perfectly okay.

You’re Also Recovering From the Trauma of Giving Birth

Having a baby is hard work, no matter how you decide to go about it. Your hormones are all over the place. You may even be suffering from postpartum depression. You may worry that sex will be painful—there’s a reason the OBGYN advises waiting six weeks before resuming sexual activity! I will tell it like it is: those first few encounters might be painful and uncomfortable. (So don’t forget the lube!) You might even feel less sexy after having a baby, which impacts your sex drive.

You May Be Worried About Becoming Pregnant Again

Many women (especially those who choose to breastfeed) won’t immediately go back on birth control after giving birth. This is completely understandable. Talk to your doctor about your post-baby birth control options as soon as possible.

Whatever You Do (Or Don’t Do), Keep the Lines of Communication Open

This is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship with your significant other. Leaving important things unsaid can only cause confusion and heartache. Try explaining to your spouse that you may feel less exhausted (and more open to sex) if you have help caring for baby—or at least a well-deserved break every now and then.

Do Something To Make Yourself Feel Sexy . . .

Go for a run (exercise increases endorphins). Take a shower and put on some lipstick. Buy a new pair of panties. Read a romance novel. Have a glass (or two) of wine and try to relax. Help yourself “get into the right state of mind.” Living in smelly, spit-up-stained jammies 24/7 probably isn’t going to cut it. (This was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Don’t be afraid to take care of yourself! You deserve it, mama.) Try to establish some normalcy. Take your sex life into your own hands. You hold the power and are in control even when it feels like life is spinning out of control around you!

Take a Field Trip

Get frisky somewhere other than your bed. Otherwise, you may just want to crawl under the covers and snooze. Let’s be honest. Or you may even feel resentful. Get creative. Try getting sexy on the living room floor. Or in the shower. Or in the kitchen. Your options are endless, and it’s worth a try. Right?

Because if you want things to work, you must put your relationship with your significant other above all else—including your relationship with your baby and other children. And this includes having sex and intimacy. A marriage cannot last without these things. And when all else fails, fake it until you make it! 😉

Did you experience a decreased sex drive after having a baby? What steps did you take to rekindle the magic? We’d love to hear!

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Wife, mommy to three precious little girls, currently pregnant with baby a boy, and owner of The Plaid Pony. Read more

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