Today, I’m chatting with Dr. Samira Hodges and Dr. Ana Pal, two board-certified pediatricians currently practicing in Houston, TX. We discuss stress in children and how we can help our kids manage stress.
It may seem like children’s lives are pretty simple, and they couldn’t possibly know about or experience stress, but that’s untrue. Pressures on children come from several sources. It could be from within the child themselves, parents, teachers, or friends. These pressures could be from events of lasting consequence like their parents’ divorce or from a minor hassle like going to time out, losing a toy, or being grounded.
Over the past year, children have experienced more changes and challenges than ever before, which means more stress. So, what can we parents do to help our kids manage stress? The PediPals, Dr. Samira and Dr. Ana are answering our questions.