Common Concerns of New Parents (And How to Handle Them)
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Common Concerns of New Parents (And How to Handle Them)

Becoming a new mom or dad comes with a whole new set of worries! Here are some common concerns of new parents and how to handle them.

Updated November 4, 2024 Opinion

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You waited months and months for this big moment. The day you meet your bundle of joy and bring them home. Once you’re home, you’re quickly overtaken by the many common concerns new parents often have! Wondering how often you should be feeding your new baby? Did they tell you when your baby can have their first bath?

Don’t worry—you’re NOT alone! It’s natural to feel a little unsure about this parenting thing now (I know I did!). So, to help you out, I’m going to break down some of the common concerns of new parents and how to handle them!

Common Concerns of New Parents

Caring for a newborn really should come with an instruction manual. There are so many what-ifs and how-to’s that it can be pretty overwhelming. In fact, according to an article from The Washington Post, “Overly optimistic expectations (read parenting expectations vs. reality here) and a lack of preparation can cause significant distress at a time when new parents already feel vulnerable. For some parents, this may impede bonding with their baby, shade over into postnatal depression – which affects up to 16 percent of new mothers and 5 percent of new fathers – or strain the relationship with their partner.”1

So instead of expecting things to go a certain way, let’s discuss some real situations and questions to help you get through this vulnerable time!

How Often Should I Change My Baby’s Diaper?

To put it simply, a lot. According to the American Pregnancy Association, newborns can pee up to twenty times a day.2 Fortunately, you don’t have to change your baby every time they pee. However, you should check their diaper frequently every 2-3 hours. If you smell or notice your baby had a bowel movement, you should change it right away. Babies (especially newborns) have very sensitive skin. Keeping their skin clean & dry will be key to preventing those annoying (and ouchie) diaper rashes!

Fortunately, my son only suffered from ONE diaper rash throughout his first year of life. However, I will admit I was probably overboard with checking and changing his diapers. But hey, only having to deal with one diaper rash was worth it to me!

See also: How Many Diapers You’ll Need in the First Year

When Can I Bathe My Newborn Baby?

It’s common for the first bath after bringing your baby home to be a sponge bath. This is when your baby isn’t being submerged in water but instead gently patted down with a warm, soft sponge to cleanse their skin. Newborns don’t typically need many baths as they aren’t getting too dirty, so 1 to 3 baths per week, in the beginning, is normal.

Since our son stayed in the NICU for a few days, his NICU nurse gave him his first sponge bath around day 6, and by the time we brought him home, we could give him his 2nd sponge bath around day 13. You should check in with your pediatrician if you have any doubts or worries.

How Do I Know if My Baby Is Eating Enough?

This is always a tricky one. I always asked this question, even up until my son was 4-5 months old.

The most common (and reliable) ways to make sure your baby is eating enough are:

  • If they’re gaining weight & growing (your doctor will review this during every check-up).
  • Your baby has consistent wet diapers.

A general rule of thumb is that your baby should have around 5+ wet diapers daily and 3-4 poops daily. Keep in mind these are average ranges and will always vary per baby.

Why Is My Baby Crying So Much?

Babies cry. They can cry A LOT! It’s important to remember that they cannot talk to us and are adjusting to life outside the womb, a place they considered a safe space for nine months or so! A few of the most common reasons your newborn might be crying are:

  • Gas pains (Try burping baby or practicing bicycle kicks).
  • Needing to feel close to mom or dad (Practice babywearing! This will keep baby snug against you while allowing you to move around and knock out errands simultaneously).
  • Hunger! (Pay attention to baby’s hunger cues such as suckling, rooting, bringing hands to the mouth, or searching for a nipple).
  • Dirty diapers. (Some babies HATE being in a soiled diaper the minute they go. Make sure you give the diaper a quick check and change if you’re running out of things to check).
  • Tired baby. (Just like you, babies get pretty cranky when they don’t get their much-needed sleep! If your baby struggles to take a nap, ensure they have a comforting sleep environment such as a white noise machine, dark room, snug swaddle, and flat sleeping surface).

Sleepless Nights With Baby

Life with a newborn pretty much means you’ll have many sleepless nights. It’s a sleep-deprived state many parents aren’t prepared for (like me!), but don’t worry, there IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!

When Will My Baby Sleep Through the Night?

Most babies aren’t developmentally ready to sleep through the night until they reach 12-14 weeks old. If you’re feeling a little burnt out or stressed your baby still isn’t sleeping through the night by month 3, it’s likely your little one just isn’t ready.

However, every baby is always going to be different. One parent’s baby might be sleeping all night at ten weeks old, while another not be until five months old or older! If you truly are worried about your baby’s sleeping habits and ability to sleep for stretches of time, you should consult your pediatrician or a pediatric sleep consultant.

Should I Wake My Baby to Feed Them During Sleep?

When your baby is a newborn, they must eat on demand every 2-4 hours. Some babies even go for hourly feeds (mine did! Hello, team no sleep!). Since our little dude spent some time in the NICU and never lost any weight, they gave us the OK to feed every 3-4 hours (or on-demand). Needless to say, our boy LOVES to eat, and we ensured we fed him every 1-2 hours during those early days.

Trust your gut, feed them when they’re hungry, and let them sleep for 3 to 4 hours during those early days if they want to. You’re doing great as long as they aren’t losing weight and your pediatrician isn’t concerned!

These are some common concerns of new parents and how to handle them. Remember to trust your instincts, reach out for help when needed, and remind yourself YOU’RE DOING AWESOME!

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  • Author

Karissa is a boy mama who resides in sunny San Diego, California with her family - including their two big doggies! After facing many postpartum struggles with minimal support after her first son was born, Karissa grew passionate about helping new and expecting moms find the support & confidence needed to transition into the scary, yet exciting journey into motherhood!

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