20 Tips to Develop Your Child's Personality for the Better - Baby Chick
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20 Tips to Develop Your Child’s Personality for the Better

Children are born with unique personalities. Parents are responsible for helping develop our child's personality for the better. Here's how.

Updated September 25, 2024

by Rachel Tomlinson

Registered Psychologist

From the moment our babies are born, we see their unique personalities peeping through. Some infants have distinct ways of engaging with you and their world. Maybe they are super chill and easy-going or high-strung and easily distressed. It is usually easy to see little hints of your child’s personality at a very young age.

I noticed that my daughter loved her routines and structure from the day I brought her home from the hospital. Without parental influence, she would wake at precise times; and I mean “on the dot,” of 11 p.m., 2 a.m., and 5 a.m. for her overnight feeds. And to this day, she still loves to have a straightforward routine. It helps her feel safe because she knows what to expect. This can sometimes show up in her personality as being rigid or inflexible or liking to be in charge, so things go according to her need for structure.

The primary view in psychology is that humans have built-in tendencies for particular personality traits. Genetics influences this, but life experience can also shape and mold our temperament.1,2  This is something you might have heard called nature versus nurture. So, although our children might have hardwired personalities, we as parents can also have some influence over their personalities.

Tips for Developing Your Child’s Personality for the Better

We all want our children to be happy and well-adjusted. So here are some tips to support your child’s personality development positively:

1. Avoid Labeling Them

When we use words like “shy,” “bossy,” or even “good boy or girl,” it can unintentionally create a role that shapes our child’s personality. If they hear themselves being described as shy, they can begin to live up to this expectation. The words we use about our children are powerful. Try to avoid labeling your child and focus on labeling the behavior instead.

2. Allow Them Opportunities for Free Play

Unstructured time can feel a bit daunting for parents. They might feel pressure as no measurable outcome or goal is being met, or progress is being made. However, free play lets children blossom. They develop physically and emotionally as they play out their internal world. It helps them develop empathy, settle conflicts, practice different roles, flex their imagination, and learn about problem-solving.

3. Teach Them To Fight Fair

Children must learn how to manage conflict to help them respectfully navigate the world. Being able to settle disputes also supports them in having more mutually beneficial and positive relationships. They learn to be respectful in hearing others’ opinions and needs and develop boundaries. Help them manage conflict by showing them how to apologize genuinely, teach them how to actively listen, and show them to take turns to speak or respectfully disagree.

4. Don’t Do It All for Them

When we rush to fix problems for our kids, they don’t learn independence or how to problem-solve. It’s okay for kids to struggle (even if it makes us uncomfortable). They learn to be resilient and continue pursuing goals despite setbacks or challenges.

5. Model the Behavior You Want To See

If you want your child to be kind and use their manners or show respect, you need to demonstrate what this looks like. This needs to be shown in how you treat your child and others.

6. Don’t Rush Their Feelings

No parent wants to see our kids distressed. But when we rush to fix their feelings or say things like, “It’s not that bad” or “You will be okay,” we accidentally invalidate their feeling or show that we don’t think their problems are important to us. We also teach them that feelings are something to rush through or avoid. To be resilient, kind to others, and empathetic, children need to understand their feelings and manage them accordingly. Allow them to experience the feeling and focus on coping rather than avoiding the emotion.

7. Be a Good Listener

Teach them skills to be good listeners by demonstrating good non-verbal skills like making eye contact, having an open posture, using tone of voice, etc. But also teach them how to ask questions to show interest or summarize what they heard to show they listened.

8. Delay Gratification

When we can delay a current reward for some greater reward in the future, it is called being able to delay gratification. This skill is associated with better educational achievement, higher socioeconomic status, more positive relationships, and less chance of drug and alcohol abuse in later life.3  You can teach them to delay gratification by doing things they need to wait for to receive a reward, like baking a cake, growing a veggie patch, or putting a puzzle together.

9. Emotional Literacy

Children who understand their emotions are better able to recognize emotions in others (this is called empathy).4 Use lots of different words to describe their feelings. For example, anger can range from irritation to rage. The more words you use to describe your own and their feelings will help them learn how to describe better and understand emotions. It’s also about noting the emotions you see in them and sharing your insights. This is because children aren’t born knowing about their feelings. You might say, “I’ve noticed you look sad right now,” or, “I wonder if you are feeling a bit frustrated?”

10. Managing Big Feelings

Emotional literacy doesn’t just help kids develop empathy; it also helps them manage their big feelings. When they can do this, they are less likely to lash out or impact others when they experience distress (leading to more positive and better-quality relationships, a better ability to focus on and complete essential tasks, and increased resilience). When a child can name their feelings, they can better match them with a coping strategy. So, help them find ways to cope with different emotions healthily. For example, if your child is angry, you might give them some playdough to squish, have them take deep breaths, write down how they feel, do some star jumps, or show them how to share their distress and talk it through in a healthy way (“I felt mad when you broke my toy because now I can’t play with it”).

11. Be Inclusive

Your child will learn from you how to treat others. If you want your child to be inclusive, think about the language you use to describe others in front of your child (they are always listening). Also, read many books about different cultures, abilities, religions, or experiences to understand how other people live. They can be more open and accepting of people who might initially feel “different” from them.

12. Allow Them To Be Responsible for Some Activities of Daily Living

This includes brushing their teeth, picking out their clothes, helping tidy their bedroom, etc. The tasks need to be appropriate for their developmental level and skill. But being responsible for these kinds of things will improve their self-esteem and encourage independence.

13. Be Gentle When They Make Mistakes

Our children can’t excel at everything. At times they might fall short of our expectations of them. It’s okay to express disappointment in their behavior choices because we still need the opportunity to try and correct and guide them moving forward. However, avoid shaming and blaming the child (remember to name the behavior and not your child as problematic). Each child has unique abilities. We can create low self-esteem and lack confidence if we don’t appreciate their strengths and challenges.

14. Try Not To Compare

We should avoid comparing our children to their siblings, us, or others. Comparing doesn’t help a child improve or become a better person. It makes them feel ashamed and not good enough, damaging their personality and self-esteem.

15. Give Back!

Giving to others and sharing doesn’t have to involve money or spending anything, but it shows children how to notice and care for others. Spend time as a family creating letters for unwell loved ones, donating old towels or blankets to an animal shelter, opening doors for people, or helping people pack their groceries if you see them struggling.

16. Limit Screen Time

Too much screen time can influence emotional and social development as children spend more time on the computer or phone than interacting with peers. It makes it hard to influence positive personality development if they don’t have the opportunity to engage with the people around them. So, try and limit screen time when possible.

17. Set Clear Boundaries

If you can show your child what having a firm boundary looks like, they will be better able to respect other people’s boundaries and protect themselves by keeping their own. You must follow through every time if you set a rule or expectation and a consequence. When kids know what to expect, they are more likely to feel safe and secure, which helps them be confident.

18. Gratitude Attitude

Practicing gratitude, or reflecting on challenges and still seeing something positive that you are grateful for, can assist in resilience and general mental well-being, and mood. This is because the mind learns to look for positives, and this, in turn, influences how you feel. So, help your child practice by sharing daily gratitude, using car rides to talk through things you are grateful for, and helping them look for positives in moments of stress.

19. Don’t Intervene Socially

If your child is in danger, by all means, swoop in. But in general, children need to be able to navigate their social challenges. We can support them and encourage them or give them strategies. But in general, we need to leave the “doing” up to them (except in instances of threat or danger). This helps children feel confident in navigating social situations and allows them to practice setting boundaries and learn about good communication and conflict-resolution skills.

20. Fill Their Cup

Children have five cups that need to be filled: freedom, mastery/self-worth, connection, fun, and safety/survival.5  When these cups are not filled, children can resort to challenging behaviors to meet their needs, often “emptying” another person’s cup. So, filling these cups will allow them to engage more meaningfully with others and in play, freeing them to do activities that positively support their personality development.

Although these tips are a great place to start, remember that your child is unique. Each child differs in personality and temperament, even siblings. A parent attuned and sensitive to their child’s unique strengths, challenges, and needs supports the healthy development of a child’s personality.

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Rachel Tomlinson Registered Psychologist
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Rachel Tomlinson is a registered psychologist and internationally published author of Teaching Kids to Be Kind who has worked with adults, families, and children (birth through eighteen years old) in a variety of settings. She has presented at national conferences on mental health topics (including trauma and play therapy) as well as guest lectured about domestic violence and relationships at colleges and universities. She also serves as a subject matter expert for journalists on topics such as parenting, child development, and relationships. She resides in Perth, Australia.

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