Casey Williams

Registered Nurse and IBCLC

Casey Williams is a registered nurse and IBCLC. Her expertise is in pediatrics and lactation. Casey has worked in all different areas in pediatrics, including inpatient and outpatient roles. While in the hospital, she worked in the PICU and on the general pediatrics floor. Later in her career, she found my true passion as a nurse care manager in a pediatric office, helping parents and children navigate medical concerns and everyday challenges that arise. In this position, she played an important role as an advocate for parents and children with special care needs. As a fun addition, she became an IBCLC to help new breastfeeding moms when coming in for their newborn checkups. As we know, breastfeeding isn’t a walk in the park, so being able to help mothers succeed in their breastfeeding journeys was the most rewarding experience!

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