What To Do With Your Placenta After Giving Birth – Podcast Ep 68
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What To Do With Your Placenta After Giving Birth – Podcast Ep 68

Today we are talking with Cliodhna Griffin about what a placenta does and what options women have after it has detached from their uterus.

Published September 14, 2021

by Nina Spears

The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert

Today we chatted with Cliodhna Griffin, the founder of Born Free Birthing and Houston Placenta Services. Cliodhna is a certified and experienced HypnoBirthing Educator, Master Trainer, and Faculty Member of the HypnoBirthing Institute. She is proudly Houston, TX’s first APPA triple-certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, providing professional placenta encapsulation services from Houston’s only freestanding commercial-grade placenta preparation kitchen.

Cliodhna hails from Ireland but currently lives in Kingwood, TX, with her husband of 13 years and their three beautiful daughters. She is a dedicated educator and placenta encapsulation specialist and loves to help families have joyful and empowering births and healthy postpartum experiences.

When it comes to placentas, I knew I had to chat with Cliodhna. A placenta can be an intimidating organ to a person who has never seen one and who doesn’t know much about them. But, in my opinion, they don’t get enough credit for what they do. I also feel that women aren’t told what they can do with it—other than discarding it—and their options after their baby is born. So, today we are discussing what a placenta does and what options women have after it detaches from their uterus. Cliodhna is highly knowledgeable when it comes to placentas. Hence, we knew she would be the perfect person to answer our questions and shed some light on this important and undervalued organ.

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