Staying Positive While Trying to Conceive - Baby Chick
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Staying Positive While Trying to Conceive

Discover ways to stay positive during your fertility journey. Learn tips and affirmations to empower your journey to parenthood!

Published September 13, 2016

Every day feels like a month when you’re ready to be pregnant. Each month feels like a year. A year can feel like an eternity. It seems like every article I’ve come across about trying to conceive, or fertility has been filled to the brim with negativity. I know women who are walking this path, and I know they want/need/crave some light, positive vibes, and encouragement through so much doubt. So, I decided that while I can’t give you medical advice, I can share some tips and affirmations I wanted to know and hear when we were trying for a baby. To spread a positive outlook for those waiting to see those faint little lines appear on that test.

First, Assess Your Overall Diet and Health.

Now is the time to cut out sodas and fast food and exchange them for more wholesome choices. It’s also an excellent opportunity to make an effort to be more active. Healthy body, healthy mind, and hopefully soon, healthy baby!

Second, Give Yourself an Emotional Check-Up.

Are you experiencing racing thoughts, anxiety, or depression? If you feel out of control of your emotions or are experiencing severe mood swings or sadness, talk to your doctor about how you can safely address these concerns while trying for a baby. It’s a stressful time when you are trying to get pregnant. It’s not happening as quickly as you’d like, and there is no shame in talking to someone about these stresses.

Third, Communicate With Your Partner.

When women are pregnant, we take on a lot. We also tend to take on the guilt when we are not getting pregnant or experience pregnancy loss. You must communicate these feelings with your partner and allow them to help you carry this load. There will be highs, and there will be lows. Allow your partner to be there for you every step of the way by keeping the conversation going and communication open.

After you’ve touched on these three items, take a moment to recite some positive affirmations. Journal them, and share them with your best friend or partner. Reflect on them and breathe. Remember that the future has so much potential, that your path to motherhood is special and unique, and that this journey is beautifully your own no matter how you get there. It’s important to speak positively to and about yourself.

Here Are Some Thoughtful TTC Affirmations:

“I am filled with love and ready to create a baby with that love.”

“My body is a beautiful and unique vessel, perfect for growing my baby. My body has everything it needs to conceive a healthy baby.” 

“There is no perfect time to become pregnant. I am not on a timeline, and I will welcome pregnancy when it comes.”

“I am serene, I am relaxed, I am open to receive the gift of life.”

“Inhaling peace and comfort, exhaling negativity and fear. With every breath, I release whatever is holding me back from conceiving.”

“I will set aside my worries and allow my body to do its work.”

“I am going to be an incredible mommy very soon. My baby is on its way.” 

If you are trying to get pregnant, know that you are not alone. We welcome you to share your story with us, and we hope that the stork makes a drop-off at your place very soon.

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