Katie Sproul

Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Hi there, I’m Katie! I’m a doctor wife and pediatric occupational therapist by trade. Now I’m a full-time SAHM of three small babes. I have a passion for sharing the ups and downs of motherhood while keeping my sense of humor alive and well. Motherhood is messy, frustrating, and chaotic, and it’ll drive you crazy if you let it. Being a mother is easily the most rewarding thing I’ve done in my life but it is also the HARDEST, hands down. Knowledge is power, and I like to use my background to share what I’ve found most useful and helpful in my busy life as a stay-at-home mom, while also sprinkling in some fun and humor just to keep life interesting. I love meeting other moms and sharing our experiences of motherhood and womanhood because life is an absolute trip!

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