What You Need to Know About Preschooling at Home - Baby Chick
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What You Need to Know About Preschooling at Home

Preschooling at home does't have to be overwhelming. In fact, it's a whole lot of fun! Here is what you need to know about preschool at home.

Updated July 28, 2024

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If you are considering doing preschool at home, this is a must-read! As a homeschooling mom myself, I will say it is some of the best years. Preschool at home is all about exploring and learning through play.

Preschooling at Home

There is no right or wrong way to do preschool. Preschoolers need engaging activities and hands-on learning. The easiest way to do preschool at home is to combine fun activities with learning along the way.

Making the best out of preschooling at home.

Preschooling at home requires you to be engaged and teach your child how to explore independently. Making messes is a part of the learning fun, too!

Preschooling at home does not need tons of tools. I found much success at Dollar Tree in creating the best preschool setting. Using the toys we already had and a few new ones from time to time, we set up our classroom/playroom. Another way to help create the best preschool experience is to look at garage sales. You can find some neat things to help educate your little one.

When it comes to making the most of preschool at home, keeping a fluid schedule and rotating activities work best. It’s important to remember that preschoolers have a short attention span. Songs are an easy way to start teaching your child a new concept. Also, finding a way to craft a new concept can help your child understand it further.

Deciding to do preschool at home.

According to Childrentrends.org, 30% of preschool-age children attend a home-based program.1 This can be at home with parents or a home-run daycare/preschool. So preschool at home is not uncommon. In fact, in my area, we have more stay-at-home moms of preschoolers than anything.

A great way to connect with other preschooling moms is to join a Mops group. It’s a perfect way to find friends for you and your preschooler. If you are worried about keeping your preschooler busy, you can also look into local activities and preschool programs to supplement from time to time. This allows your preschooler time to interact with other preschoolers. These can be art classes and regular learning classes. Most run from about 30 minutes to about an hour. One of my favorite programs was Free Forest School for Kids.

Preschool children need a lot of outdoor time. It is critical to their development. If you provide a good mix of outdoor games, songs, hands-on activities, and play with other preschoolers, it will create a great foundation for social, emotional, and mental health.

Learning through play is huge during these early childhood years. Unstructured play is learning as much as structured learning!

Preschool schedule at home.

Our preschool activities and routines can vary from time to time. But here is an inside look at our preschool schedule:

8-9 a.m. We are eating breakfast and watching an educational show.

9-10 a.m. Calendar time, reading program.

10-11 a.m. Free play indoor or outdoor and sometimes learning games.

11-12 p.m. Music learning and counting.

12-1 p.m. Lunchtime.

1-3:30 p.m. Naptime.

3:30-4 p.m. pm Snack time.

4-5 p.m. Outdoor time again.

This schedule changes daily and is not structured the same each day. I will switch out subjects. Some days, we go on field trips, and some days, we go to swimming classes or other activities. This is what I mean about keeping a fluid schedule.

Preschool games and activities.

One of our favorite preschool activities is going to storytime at the library. My kids love listening to the stories and dancing to the cute songs. We also use online programs and apps that we pay for, like ABC Mouse, Homer learning app, and Speech Blubs app. I recommend all of these apps. My kids have excelled at using them to supplement our daily routine.

I love to use printables and manuscripts to help my little ones learn their alphabet and numbers. We color, paint, and play with playdough, moon sand, water table, and all kinds of different things. We play games like knock down the cups, hide and seek, and have scavenger hunts. Magnets are a lot of fun, too. I use them all over the house.

When it comes to preschool activities at home, there is no limitation. Even walking around your home and neighborhood pointing to objects helps kids learn. The most important thing to remember is that kids need play and fun all mixed in. You don’t have to spend tons of money or need many things to achieve this.

Preschool tools.

My favorite preschool tools include a simple whiteboard and downloading printables from Teachers Pay Teachers. Flashcards are also a big hit. They help me gauge what my kids have mastered. I use the flashcards to ask questions and see how many they can answer correctly.

As for games, these are a huge hit in our house:

In conclusion, if you decide to do preschool at home with your child, these years will be some of your best memories. You will get to experience all your child’s firsts and be there to support them during these crucial years. Preschool at home is all about bonding time and learning together.

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