How to Deal With Difficult Family During the Holidays - Baby Chick
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How to Deal With Difficult Family During the Holidays

Surviving gatherings with family at the holidays can be tough. Here are tips to deal with difficult family at the holidays.

Updated August 10, 2024

People often say that holidays lose their magic as we get older. While some credit is knowing what’s behind the scenes of all that magic (i.e., we become Santa and lose that sense of wonder), I often think we feel this way because of heightened family tensions. I grew up in a family that spent time together during the holidays—no matter what. It did not matter if there was family turmoil or stress; we were still together. That anger and hurt were palpable as a child. Noting those awkward silences into my teenage years had me wanting to do things differently as an adult.

Now that I have a daughter, I am at a crossroads between wanting her to see her family and spending Christmas at home, away from the judgment, questioning, and old wounds reopening. I’ve had to become creative to survive the holidays with my family and keep my sanity intact.

How to Deal With Difficult Family During the Holidays

Create Opportunities to Get Some Space

Finding space in the hustle and bustle of gathering family during the holidays can be difficult if you come in from out of town. There are always opportunities, though: be the one who volunteers to go to the grocery store if there’s a last-minute ingredient left off the list. Bonus points if that grocery store is next to a coffee shop, liquor store, or other places of refuge that extend your foray into the wilds of holiday shoppers instead of returning to the ones who make you want to drink in the first place. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. After all, if you feel overwhelmed or bothered with family during the holidays, that’s the ideal time to head out and give everyone a moment to calm down and process their emotions.

What About Their Point of View?

Considering their perspective is the least exciting prospect of all the things that weigh a family down. After all, you have hard feelings for a reason. Barring certain things, though, there could be other perspectives to consider: maybe a miscommunication led to your disagreement? Many conflicts are a direct result of miscommunication or misunderstanding. Perhaps have a frank discussion about how you’re feeling. Look for ways to be the bigger person that will be healing for all parties involved. Often, waiting for others to make the first move doesn’t work. Instead, you may never find peace and healing from the situation. Take charge, address, and confront the problem. Consider if you have played a part in the situation—then use this opportunity to fix it.  

Don’t Allow Others to Belittle You.

Just because you’re looking to be peaceful doesn’t mean you have to tolerate verbal abuse. Some family members do not have a filter or know what boundaries are. You do not have to listen to this and are entitled to put them in their place. Kill them with kindness or sarcasm, and let them know you (nor your spouse or children) are cannon fodder for banter or rude comments. This means rocking the boat a bit, but hopefully, it might allow that person to reflect on being more empathetic. We all deal with the unfortunate reality that some family members are just assh*les: ignore them entirely if this is the case.

Have an Ally

Everyone needs an ally during get-togethers with family at the holidays, whether it’s your spouse, your favorite cousin, or a sarcastic or witty grandparent. This has been a Godsend for me through multiple heated family gatherings. From finding out I got a tattoo to announcing I’d be moving across the world (twice), I found strength in my sanity-saving partner every time. Having someone else around to lighten the mood or diffuse tensions when things get heavy is invaluable. But you could probably pay them back with a drink or two.

I want there to be peace on earth and goodwill for all, and that includes my family. One of the hardest things to accept about growing older is that everyone doesn’t always get along. But this is also okay. Remember these tips when you’re tempted to be drawn into family drama, succumb to negative comments, or allow someone to make your holidays anything less than bright. And remember that it’s okay to give yourself the gift of silence and peace by leaving any situation that doesn’t improve.

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