4 Fun Fall Playdate Ideas for Toddlers - Baby Chick
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4 Fun Fall Playdate Ideas for Toddlers

Grab your best mom friend, open up your planners, and be sure to pencil in these fall outings with your favorite little playdate crew!

Updated July 19, 2024

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. It’s the loveliest season weather-wise in Texas, and there are so many festive things to do, see, and smell when you’re craving all things autumn. Today, it’s all about planning some fun fall playdates for the little pumpkins in your life.

4 Fall Playdate Ideas for Your Littles

Grab your best mom friend, order yourselves a grande PSL, open up your planners, and be sure to pencil in these autumnal outings with your favorite little playdate crew!

1. Collect fall leaves on a nature walk.

Baby Chick, nature walk, collect leaves, etch leaves, Fall play dates

When the weather is gorgeous and crisp, and the falling leaves have turned color, my boys love hitting the neighborhood walking trails in search of the unique colors of the season. For a bonus activity, take your finds home and break out the crayons so the kids can do leaf rubbings! (Instructions here.)

2. Visit the Natural Science Museum.

Baby Chick, go to the museum, natural science museum, Fall play dates

Some of my favorite fall days are the rainy ones! An exceptional solution for staying dry and warm is an indoor activity children adore at any age: a trip to the museum. When we meet our friends for museum playdates, we always do the same thing — we start with the exhibits, make our way down to the kid’s level where the littles can let loose, grab lunch at the cafeteria, and when everyone is nice and tired, we retreat to the dark and quiet film theater where inevitably the kids pass out one by one. And let’s be honest, that glorious nap makes all the museum efforts worth it!

3. Spend the day at the state fair.

Baby Chick, state fair, Fall play dates, Texas

Did someone say fried foods and petting zoos? The state fair is a preschool paradise! From sweet snuggles with little lambs to snacking on fried Oreos, climbing on tractors, and riding the Ferris wheel, I can’t think of a better way to spend a beautiful fall day with friends. Be sure to check your fair’s daily schedule, as many offer activities specifically geared toward the toddler set. For instance, we lucked into a Mother Goose storytime that all the littles loved!

4. Play at the pumpkin patch.

Baby Chick, pumpkin patch, Fall play dates

Is it just me, or have pumpkin patches exponentially improved since we were kids? Gone are the days of parking lot pumpkin patches in front of the grocery store. Honestly, they are so charming now and truly a fall destination. I love the fun photo opportunities, the corn mazes, and the hay rides. It’s an excellent time for families and friends and perfect for playdates or a large group!

We can’t wait to get our playdate pals together for these amazing autumn gatherings soon! After all of these fall happenings, mama will need a cocktail. I couldn’t very well share playdate ideas for the littles without something fabulous for my mom friends, so I’m sharing a festive fall drink recipe that will be a sweet ending to a successful day of momming…Our Cinnamon Champagne Cider!

Mommy Chick Cinnamon Champagne Cider, Baby Chick, mommy cocktails, Fall play dates
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