How to Prevent Baby Items from Taking Over Your House - Baby Chick
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How to Prevent Baby Items from Taking Over Your House

Little one on they way? You're going to receive many gifts and hand-me-downs. Here's how to prevent baby items from taking over!

Updated October 13, 2024

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The baby shower gifts, the items you buy for yourself, and the free hand-me-downs people think you need from their kid that they have held on to for 20 years pile up, and suddenly, you can’t even see the floor of your home anymore. There is so much stuff and so little space for such a tiny person. I do not handle lots of clutter well. It makes my mind frazzled, and I do not like continually moving things around or stepping over piles of stuff. So when I realized baby items were about to take over our small home, I decided to be creative in how my house was set up to hopefully alleviate the craziness and encourage functionality.

How To Prevent Baby Items From Taking Over Your House

1. Only Bring Out the Baby Items You Need

A newborn baby doesn’t need a high chair or an activity center like a playmat. The baby needs somewhere to sleep, a swing maybe, and a bouncy seat to lay them in since it is nice and portable. Only worry about putting together baby items that you’ll use immediately. Leave everything else tucked away out of sight.

2. Set aside Kitchen Storage

Before the baby even arrives, clean out a section of kitchen cupboards or a shelf in a pantry for the baby items needed in the kitchen. Bottles are used so often that you will probably wash those bottles to use them again immediately. Put any backup bottles and parts up in a cupboard off your counter. I bought little storage boxes to keep bibs in, spoons and bowls, etc., that we would eventually need, but not for a while. Any formula, rice cereal, and baby food were kept there until we were ready for it.

3. Buy Aesthetically Pleasing Baby Items

Register for and buy items that you think look nice. You will have to look at the baby swing all day, every day. Spending a little extra on the one you think looks nice is okay. Baby gear can be bulky, and when we had our babies, we were working with limited square footage, so the more things compacted into one thing, the better. Like the bouncy seat swing combo. Perfect.

4. Invest in Storage You Don’t Mind Looking At

You can put baby toys in bins that go with your motif. I had little wicker baskets full of rattles and stuffed animals that everyone bought the baby. Then, my husband put together a cute shelving unit for the nursery where we kept the extra stuff and books. When the toys got bigger and bulkier, he made them a nice wooden toy box to keep in the living room, and then we moved some stuff into the bedrooms to help alleviate congestion.

5. Purge Baby Items You’re Not Going To Use

Only keep baby items you are really going to use. If I had a dime for every blue type of stuffed animal people gave us, I would be rich. It is a sweet gesture, but it becomes cumbersome to keep all this extra stuff that we either don’t like, need, or will never use. I felt terrible purging things because of the incredible generosity of our friends and family. So, I decided to donate it to another mom in the market for what I was getting rid of (here is an excellent list of places to donate gently used baby items). It is okay not to need everything, making keeping your house in order much more manageable.

6. Come up With a System for Baby Clothes

The change of sizes and seasons means dresser and closet cleaning day! Taking out the old and putting in the new! I keep plastic totes labeled with the size and season of clothes in the basement for the child following behind. It keeps the dressers uncluttered with clothing items not being worn and makes for easier and neater drawers and closets.

7. Designate a Baby Area

Keep a baby area in every room. We have already addressed this with the kitchen, which is true of every room. Ensure the bathroom has a shelf or drawer empty for baby towels, soaps, lotions, and powders. The medicine cabinet has a spot specific for gas drops, Tylenol, etc. That way, there is a particular place for baby items in each room, and we know exactly where to find what we are looking for without having to ruffle through everything.

Bringing a baby into the home is so much fun! The items are adorable, and we are more excited to use a Mamaroo than the baby is. But when it gets to be too much, it is overwhelming and puts chaos into our lives. Adding a child to the family is change enough. There are some things I didn’t want to lose, like a neat-ish home. With a bit of creativity and simple organization, I felt like I could accomplish my goal of blending the baby items into the normalcy of our home and promoting optimal functionality. I hope some of these tips helped you set up your home perfect for your new phase of life as well!

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