4 Things Your Partner Can Do to Help with Getting Pregnant - Baby Chick
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4 Things Your Partner Can Do to Help with Getting Pregnant

There are simple things your partner can—and should—be doing as soon as you decide to try to conceive to help with getting pregnant.

Published April 29, 2018

There are many things a woman has to do when trying to get pregnant: we have to track our cycles, take prenatal vitamins, and take control of our health and wellness. But just because we are carrying the baby doesn’t mean we are the only ones who should be making changes. There are many things your partner can do to help you get pregnant. From taking the right vitamins each morning to following your lead on the health and wellness push, there are a few simple things your partner can—and should—be doing as soon as you decide to try to conceive to help with getting pregnant.

There’s just one other thing you have to do: send this article to your spouse ASAP!

1. Take Vitamins

Taking vitamins is a simple thing your spouse can do every day that helps their body. You can find vitamins at your local pharmacy or grocery store marketed towards men’s fertility. Still, any vitamin that gives you the proper daily nutrients is all your partner needs. Look for those with a lot of Vitamin C and Zinc, which have been proven to increase testosterone levels.1,2,3 Encourage your spouse to take them by working together: have him take his vitamins at the same time you take your prenatal vitamin and turn it into a new routine—this can help with his overall health long after you have a baby.

2. Stay Healthy

It’s probably wise for your partner to make a check-up appointment with his doctor as soon as you decide to start conceiving. If he takes daily medications or has any health problems, this is especially vital as some medicines can stunt fertility and make it harder to conceive.4 Beyond an initial doctor’s appointment, your spouse must stay healthy throughout the conception process. Cutting out bad habits, such as snacking throughout the day or making small swaps, like having yogurt in the mornings instead of his usual breakfast sandwich, can significantly impact his health. Work to make healthier choices daily by cooking healthier foods together, taking nightly walks to go over your days, or simply helping each other avoid unwanted cravings.

3. Be Supportive

Getting pregnant is an exciting time, but it can also be terrifying. You may be worried about things like body image, hormone levels, and all the changes that will come with the baby. Because of this, it’s so important that you have a supportive spouse through it all. Many couples will also deal with not getting pregnant as soon as they thought, and when this happens, you and your spouse must stick together. Having a spouse who feels distant or doesn’t try to understand what you’re going through can make the situation more difficult for both of you. Be sure you are both on the same page about things and keep the communication flowing.

4. Relax

It’s common to get stressed about this significant life change, but when your stress levels are high, you will likely pass those feelings onto your spouse—and when women get stressed, it can hurt their chances of fertility.5 Try to put some of your emotions aside while working to conceive—download a relaxation app or consider partner yoga classes to make the process as stress-free as possible. This doesn’t mean you must avoid telling your wife your worries or concerns. Be sure to talk to her calmly and be there to soothe any of her fears before, during, and after the pregnancy.

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Jessica is a writer and editor with a focus on all things lifestyle. Whether she is discovering the latest restaurants, staying up-to-date on new styles, helping brides plan their wedding,… Read more

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