Birth Trauma and How to Overcome a Difficult Birthing Experience – Podcast Ep 76
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Birth Trauma and How to Overcome a Difficult Birthing Experience – Podcast Ep 76

We're chatting with psychologist Teela Tomassetti about birth trauma and how to overcome a difficult birthing experience. Here's what to know.

Published January 4, 2022

by Nina Spears

The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert

Birth trauma. It’s a real thing, and everyone’s trauma is valid. Research shows up to 45% of women report their birth as traumatic.1 And that is heartbreaking. Not enough people have heard about birth trauma, so today, we are so grateful to chat with Teela Tomassetti, a psychologist from Alberta, Canada, and the name and face behind the Instagram account @theteaonbirthtrauma.

Teela has spent the last 15 years specializing in various forms of trauma therapy, such as domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, tragic losses, and sexual assault. A few years ago, Teela pursued her Doctorate specializing in birth trauma. Since then, Teela has made it her mission to create a safe space to explore birth trauma survivors’ experiences, support them in discovering their healing, and shed light on this topic.

Today’s episode is about birth trauma and how to overcome a difficult birthing experience. I am honored to chat with Teela about this. She shares some incredible insight, research, and her own traumatic childbirth experience. You will leave this episode much more knowledgeable, compassionate, and empathic to all birthing mothers.

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